the fight (.v.s.)

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Vince gets in a school fight and just like always Scarlet is the one who saves his ass.

Vince gets in a school fight and just like always Scarlet is the one who saves his ass

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Vince's head laid on Scarlet's lap as he rolled his eyes as Scarlet dabbed the tissues on his ear and his bloody nose. "I told you not to do anything reckless." Scarlet grunts as she rolled her eyes at Vince who had a split lip and bloody nose. "He started it." Vince told Scarlet.
"Oh, yeah.. just like how Charlie Walker started it when you were 12.." Scarlet rolled her eyes as she continued to gently wipe at the blood. Vince deeply exhaled allowing scarlet to clean him up from the bloody mess from the brawl fight that he knew was his fault. She always had been busting him outta trouble since day one. "Scar.." He drawled out, seeing the V necklace she had and immediately felt a smile tug at his lips. "Thanks," he whispered softly which made her smile softly as she kissed Vince gently and passionately before she broke the kiss. "Now, if you do this shit again I'll have Christian on your ass."

Vince paled on the spot.


He says, visibly nervous and uncomfortable as she finished dabbing the tissue on his bloody nose.

   "Or I'll just have Roman take over."

Vince swallowed nervously.

"I-I don't think that's necessary." He stammered.

"Prove it." Scarlet challenged with a teasing smile as she kissed him before tossing the bloody tissues in the trash bin.

  "You aren't serious about that are you.."

Scarlet fiddled with her V necklace, smirking as she shrugged. "Oh, I dunno.. Maybe." She says as she slowly sauntered away with a smirk.

Vince gulped as he slowly sits up, running his fingers through his hair before cracking his knuckles and his neck with a sigh as he snuck behind Scarlet and wrapped his arms around her waist, stealing a kiss.

Scarlet blushed softly.

"What was that for?" She hummed softly.

  "Thank you for saving my ass.."

Scarlet smiled. "And?"

Vince rolled his eyes softly. "And I love you."

"And." She hummed sweetly as she gently stroked Vince's jawline.

"I'm stupid and an idiot.."

Scarlet nodded with a teasing smile before she taps her cheek and Vince kissed her cheek and kissed her lips.

Word Count: 383 Words

 Word Count: 383 Words

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