Delilah Schneider has had it with her brother ruining her chances to be apart of something and her original plan was to brutally kill her brother but she tries to teach him a lesson so he suffers instead of dies because she knows she can't kill Vince.
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"It's fine Chad, I got this." She whispered before approaching Vince who had looked down at her with a disgusting smirk on his face at his own sister. "Wipe that smirk off your face, or I'm gonna wipe it for you." Delilah snapped, looking up at her estrange brother, eyeing him up and down. "Pipe down, loser," Vince stared back down at her; Delilah's face filled with disgust.
"Don't call me that, what the fuck is wrong with you?" Delilah spoke up. "What the hell is wrong with you? You butted in, now find yourself out." Vince placed his hands on Delilah's shoulders, pushing her back which made Chad and Amber come to her defense pretty quickly.
"Okay, that's enough!" Chad said, stepping toward Delilah. "Get your fucking hands off me!" Delilah screamed and with that she grabbed Vince by his arm and dragged him out of the corner exit of the pool bar. Delilah knew Amber wanted in on this but she was fed up and wanted bloodshed. Vince grumbled under his breath as he followed Delilah towards his car until she grabbed Vince and slammed him against his car. "Ow! OW!" Vince yelled out, letting out a scream as his arms pulled roughly behind his back, crossing them before they aggressively held there. Vince tried to painfully turn to look over to see Delilah, struggling as he was still pinned against his car. "What the fuck are you doing!?"
His struggles increased as she put more pressure on his arms, despite him trying to scurry away.
"Alright Delilah, you can stop now." Vince said, still trying to look behind his back at his sister. "Okay, cut it out..." Vince replied, continuing to struggle but she had only tightened her hold on him.
"Okay, fine, fine, I'll do whatever you say just let me go." Vince said as he continued to try and struggle out which only made his arms hurt more since they were bent behind his back and crossed.
Delilah tilted her head at her brother, crossing them harder making Vince flinch at the pain which was really starting to hurt now. Vince painfully tried to turn his head around. "D-Delilah, you're hurting me."
"What's the matter? got no disgusting smirk to throw at me?" Delilah towered above Vince, eyeing over him. "Delilah, I'm serious! You're hurting me!" Vince frantically says in distress as he kept attempting to struggle his way.
"Is that smirk off your ugly face," Delilah grinned as Vince continued to shake. "Don't still want me to pipe down?" Delilah hissed as she tightened her grip on his arms.
Vince frantically shakes his head. "N-no." He stammered, wincing in pain.
"Is there still something wrong with me?" Delilah grinned nastily as she gripped his arms even harder making Vince yell out in pain. "Delilah! Please! You're gonna break my f-fucking arms!" Vince panicked, eyes widening as he had a feeling one of his arms were gonna break.
"Pick your poison, one or both?" Delilah grinned in Vince's ear as he shook his head frantically. "Delilah, this isn't a fucking joke!" Vince panicked.
Delilah hummed as she felt both arms until she moved the one that hurt the most and Vince yelled at the pain.
"Stop, please! I'll do whatever you want! J-just please! F-Fuck I'll leave Woodsboro! I-I'll leave Liv alone!" Vince panicked as he kept trying to get Delilah to not do anything.
Delilah listened to Vince's speech.
"I did warn you inside the bar."
Delilah tenderly stared at Vince before she broke his arm, shattering it in several places. Vince felt his wrist fracture into a hundred pieces, felt the shards of bone tear into his flesh from the inside. He screamed. Delilah twisted her hand easily, applying so much pressure that made his forearm shatter. She did it again and he screamed and screamed and screamed. His arm was a useless limp thing, rubbery and filled with splinters of bone, and the fiery water of pain filled it, throbbing and pulsing.
"There, now we're even". She said through her teeth, bared in a grin. She enjoyed that, more than she realized as she threw him to the concrete.
Delilah exhaled as she looked down at her brother, he was shaking and trembling, his arm a limp rubbery limb. She exhaled sharply, running her fingers through Vince's hair before she had pulled out her phone and called the ambulance.
Vince was strapped in a stretcher. Delilah gently held his other hand as he was sedated after the paramedics had arrived at the scene.
She rode to the hospital with Vince as he was immediately taken to surgery to put his arm back together after it had been shattered in many places.
After he had been done surgery, Vince had been placed in the opposite hospital bed as Tara.
Vince slowly fluttered his eyes, wincing as his arm felt like it was on fire, and every moment caused shooting pain. The pain meds he was on did little to help.
His arm had been wrapped in gauze with a large cast. Despite the pain and discomfort, Vince slowly adjusted and he saw the door swing open to reveal Delilah.
"Hey, buddy." Delilah rushed over to her brother and she kissed his cheek, displaying fake concern for him in front of the nurse as she politely asked for privacy.
Vince flinched as she had kissed his cheek pretending to be loving but he knew it was all an act. He looked at Delilah who continued to stroke his hair, brushing a loose strand behind his ear.
"Relax, I'm not gonna hurt you." Delilah hummed as Vince looked at her nervously.
"I-I promise I won't tell anybody."
Delilah grinned at how petrified Vince had been and she continued to stroke his cheek. "Oh, I know." She says, her grin darkening as Vince gulped nervously.
He's fucked.
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Word Count: 1,067 words
a/n: I wanna give credit to bueckerss for the fc idea ! she would be a perfect fit for Vince's sister who is a ghostface and Amber's girlfriend.