ghost calls (v.s.)

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Ghostface calls Vince and taunts him with his knife

Ghostface calls Vince and taunts him with his knife

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With a grunt of displeasure, Vince marched over, fists clenched stark white as he slowly made his way over until his phone started ringing, which was weird because nobody besides Liv would have called him but now since she's picked a jock over him he never know this could be a prank but Vince answered the call anyway "hello?" Vince walked across the parking lot with the phone to his ear, scanning his surroundings finding this oddly suspicious.

"Hello," the voice was scratchy and oddly distorted.

Vince sidesteps over, looking behind his car and saw nobody. "who's this?"


A sigh of frustration came from Vince as he continued to search his surroundings, "Well, Charlie, what do you want?"

"To talk."

Vince continued to look around, "about?"

"Your involvement with the McKenzie girl." the scratchy voice hums darkly as he was running to the beat of their own drum.

Vince rolled his eyes, "Just a fling, you got nothing to worry about, Charlie." Vince mumbled under his breath before whipping out his keys to unlock his car. "Is that all?"

The darkly voice chuckled. "Not quite, turn around."

Vince rolled his eyes and spun around and he immediately was grabbed by his throat letting out a gasp as he drops his phone as he was slammed up against the bricked wall as a Buck 120 was placed against his throat. Vince's blood ran cold as the sharp object stayed in contact with his neck. A darkened figure in a Ghostface mask kept him at knife point, grabbing a voice monitor out of their pants putting it up to their masked face.

"You stay the hell away from that McKenzie girl or I'll slit this pretty little throat of yours and leave you to bleed out, understand?" the darkened voice from the voice monitor threatened.

Vince nodded, rapidly.

Amber from underneath the mask admired the true fear in the male's eyes. This was absolutely perfect. Slowly Amber moved the knife away from the male's neck and disappeared, leaving Vince outside the alley.

Vince nervously rubbed his neck, eyes scanning his surroundings as he shakily scrambled up to his feet and climbed in his car, slamming the door and he revved his car in gear and pulled out of the lot and sped off to the other side.

He kept his hand on the wheel and sped through the countryside roads attempting to make another turn until Vince had pulled up to his mother's house and he climbed out and walked over, grabbing the spare keys to the house and he shut the door behind him and padded his way inside.

By the time he was in the kitchen, Vince isn't really there. He stares at the counter top, only meekly thinking about what the killer said on the phone which made him shudder uncomfortably as he placed his keys on the counter and padded his booted feet upstairs. "Ma." Vince says, padding upstairs towards his mother's room. "Ma," he calls again, rapping his fist on the door but getting no response until he saw a note.

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