a mini continuation of one shot "trouble always finds him," he's taken to the hospital but in a different section from Tara's.
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Vince woke up with a wince as he shifts in his stiff hospital bed, attempting to get comfortable. His hand felt like it's on fire, and every movement caused searing pain. Weakened from his attack, he had a hard time staying awake after his attack. He hated the fact that he cried and begged for mercy. He was so fucking vulnerable and pathetic. Suddenly the door opened and Vince immediately snapped his head up with widened eyes as he was paranoid that the killer would come back for him. He used his uninjured hand to shield his face as the nurse walks in with a clipboard to check Vince's vitals. "Calm down sweetheart, you're alright." The nurse hummed as she could sense the vulnerability in the man. Vince hadn't trusted anyone especially after this. His eyes nervously skimmed his hospital room finding it empty again as the nurse must've slipped out as he passed out from the pain meds he was given. He laid back, wincing with a hiss of pain from his back but he laid back and fell asleep again because that was the only thing he could really do was rest.
It was later that evening when Vince woke with a start, hearing a noise. Vince hesitated, immediately reaching for the help button but nobody came. He pressed it again and Vince started to push himself up, wincing in pain as his stitches in his back tug at the stab wound causing him to cry out in pain. "Ow." He yelped, a tear slid down his face as he shakily tried to use the wall for support, letting out a brutal sob as he felt pain in his ankle where he was stabbed so he used the wall for support until he starts to hop back on his hospital bed, letting out ragged breaths.
A hand reached out and grabbed Vince.
Vince screamed out in fear, beginning to yell.
Hands grabbed Vince's uninjured hand so he couldn't punch them. "No!" Vince yelled, thrashing and attempting to make an escape. "Let me go!" Vince screamed, attempting to move but couldn't as he was beginning to hyperventilate when-
A flash.
Suddenly, he was behind the bar again, leaning back up. There was a feeling of being watched again, before he had any time to think, he was back in the hospital, screaming out in pure terror until a syringe injected in his neck and Vince was unconscious again.
"That's it... you're okay.."
Faintly, Vince heard noises.
He began to slowly wake again and he could hear voices and see blurred figures all looking in a state of panic about something that's just occurred.
Suddenly, he was back in his hospital room, lolling his head to the side weakly as he saw a nurse come in looking gravely upset about something, at the rate, Vince was starting to believe that being normal was never going to be an option for him, if it ever would be for him and Tara Carpenter.
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