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Scarlet Kincaid was lying on the bed and Vince was about to start taking off her clothes until her Uncle aggressively barged in, making Vince immediately freeze up as if he's been caught.
Vince quickly took a step back, his heart beating fast.
Holy crap! A warning or something!!
Vince quickly pulled his shirt back into place. He didn't imagine his first time being like this.
"Peach, cover up now!" He glared at scarlet before glaring at Vince who was looking like a deer in the headlights.
Vince nodded nervously at Scarlet, adjusting his shirt again before taking another step back.
"I- I uh... I'm gonna get going then."
Vince said awkwardly, slowly heading for the door.
Roman grabbed Vince and kept him pinned. "I don't fucking think so."
"Hey, what the hell?!"
Vince exclaimed, now with a concerned and a bit of anger as he tried to break free from Roman's grip.
"Whoa.. hey, wait a sec!"
Vince stumbled a bit as he was pushed towards the chair, sitting down reluctantly.
"What's the big idea dude?! What the hell was that for?"
"Don't you ever try that again with my niece do you understand me."
Vince raised his hands in a defensive manner, scoffing slightly.
"Whoa, chill, dude. We were just having a good time is all. We weren't doing anything bad... I swear!"
"Do I look like a fucking joke to you!?"
Vince flinched slightly at Roman's raised tone, though he tried not to let the older man get to him.
"Whoa, take it easy, will ya?! No need to get all aggressive.."
I have every reason to be aggressive! You are trying to get in my niece's pants!"
Vince rolled his eyes at the accusing tone, crossing his arms.*
"What if I am? She's not a little kid, you know? She can make her own damn decisions!"
Roman grabbed Vince by his throat and slammed him up against the wall. "You shut your fucking mouth,"
Vince wheezed as he was slammed against the wall, clawing at the hand on his throat as he started to struggle to breathe.*
"G-Gett... off...!"
"You better watch that fucking tone boy."
Vince tried to answer, but he was still struggling to breathe. He could only manage a weak nod as his eyes started to tear up from the pressure.
Roman shoved Vince toward the ground. "Get dressed and get the fuck out."
Vince stumbled a bit, rubbing his throat as he slowly stood up again. Trying his best to ignore the pain in his neck as he spoke.
"Don't be such a dick, man... I really like her."
"I don't care. I don't like you, and I really don't like you with my niece now get the fuck out of my house."
Vince grumbled as he got dressed, still rubbing his neck.
Once he was finished up, he stared at Roman for a few more seconds before scoffing.
"Fine. Whatever... Jerk."
Vince headed towards the door, looking back at Roman when he placed his hand on the handle.
"Can I at least say goodbye?"
Roman crossed his arms over his chest. "Five minutes."
He gave Roman a small glare before he reluctantly made his way back upstairs.
When he made it inside Scarlet's room, he closed the door behind him.
Scarlet looked up, still in her bra and panties
Vince couldn't help but glance at her body, his heart skipping a beat. He could still feel the pain where he had been gripped around the neck, but he managed a small smirk as he walked over to the bed.
"Sorry about that. Your uncle being a dick and all."
Scarlet smirked softly, gently tracing his cheek. "That's alright," she mumbled softly
Vince leaned into her touch, his smirk softening into a smile. He moved a bit closer, placing his hand on her hip.
"It's not fair... We were having fun."
"Yeah.." Scarlet says, grinning as she pulled Vince in a kiss.
"I'll be at your house at 7, maybe we can pick up where we left off."
Vince smirked as they parted from the kiss, his heart beating a bit faster now. He pulled her a bit closer now, his hands slowly moving beneath her hips.
"You're damn right we will."
"Five minutes is up! Don't make me come up there,"
Vince looked over his shoulder before back at Scarlet, letting out an annoyed sigh.
"God, he's such a pain in the ass..."
He placed a kiss on her forehead and got up from the bed.
"See you at seven."
Vince gave her a small wink before leaving the room.
Word Count: 783 Words
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