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❝Come on skinny love, just last the year. Pour a little salt, we were never here.❞ ―Bon Iver, Skinny Love

As the tears glossed over his obsidian pigmented eyes, Jungkook could no longer observe the boy sitting next to him. He pushed himself away from where he was sitting and walked, almost ran away from the boy who was the main source for all of the pain that had been provoked within his chest. He couldn't comprehend why he was feeling as if Jimin possessed a knife and with his ever action carved a little piece of his heart out each time, but he was fully aware of it not being an ordinary reaction. While he saw it as standard to posses worry about his hyung in a situation like this, he found it not so ordinary to feel such pangs racking through his body whenever Jimin was on the verge of breaking down.

Being completely on autopilot, Jungkook unknowingly arrived at Jimin's room. His hands pushed through the door, revealing Taehyung residing on the top of the bunk bed and Hoseok in his respective bed. Both of the boys turned to observe and acknowledge the presence of the distressed Jungkook but before they could truly see the extent of his emotional state, the young boy broke down onto the floor in tears. Hoseok's natural reflex was to immediately comfort and assist the boy while he was crying an ocean onto the floor, but that only made Jungkook's tears only flowed down faster at the slightest of Hoseok's touches. Taehyung stood in front of his dongsaeng, a desperate look painted onto his features as he was befuddled on what to do for the younger.

"Are you okay?" Hoseok's voice sounded. Jungkook could barely shake his head before his tears started flowing down his cheeks once more. The air that hung around them was too prominently fragranced with the smelled of Jimin and Jungkook couldn't seem to bare it. He wanted the old Jimin back. He needed the old Jimin back. The one who took care of him. The one who made him laugh so hard that he cried. The one who playfully flirted with him. He wanted the old Jimin back; not this desolate shell of Jimin he possessed now.

"Shh, Kookie," Hoseok whispered, attempting to comfort the youngest. "It'll be okay. Can you calm down and tell me what happened?" At the last statement Jungkook sucked in a breath to attempt and halt the tears flow, only succeeding in crying once more. He wanted to acquire the ability to convince himself that this was all a bad dream; just a figment of his imagination explaining his worst fears to him in a hyperrealistic setting. But as much effort Jungkook put into convincing himself it was fictitious, no results were provided. He was still on the floor, tears provoked by the fact that his best friend was slowly self destructing.

The next thing Jungkook was fully aware of was being tucked into covers that were scented distinctly like Jimin. He saw a figure draw the curtains close and then proceeded to exit the room, leaving him the only remaining body in the surrounding area. A small lamp on the nightstand illuminated the otherwise caliginous room and Jungkook could effortlessly distinguish the features of each photo tucked beneath the bracketing of the bunk above the one he was currently residing in. He could discern one of the figures in the photo he was currently viewing as him and the other as Jimin. He felt a grin creep up onto his features as he saw Jimin's eyes glued to him. His phone buzzed right on time as if to distract his brain from the feeling of guilt slowly making an intrusion for not returning Jimin's gaze.

His nimble fingers reached for the phone resting inside of his back and when he pulled it out he felt his smile regress a bit. The person behind the sent text happened to be his girlfriend Amelia. He was grateful for a person to derail his thoughts from the track of Jimin, Jimin, Jimin but at the same time he couldn't help but want to be receiving a text from somebody other than her. Her text was simple and with little connotation and he couldn't but feel a little irritated. Of course he didn't want to 'hang out'. Hadn't he just explained to her the full extent of the Jimin situation and how he might have to set his attention onto Jimin for a few days?

He replied using a similar excuse to last time's. We're still having problems with Jimin right now and we're still having a conversation with him. Maybe later? His phone buzzed with her response and he threw it over his shoulder, not wanting to witness himself enduring unwanted company through text any longer. He turned over underneath the duvet and his nose was infiltrated by the scent of Jimin's cologne. His nose observed it; taking in every delightful quality. It had an earthy scent residing in it ― like a forest after a fresh rainstorm. He divulged in it, burying his nose deeper into the pillow. It surrounded his body in a pupa of warmth and comfort. His eyes detected this abrupt change and closed, lulling him off to sleep.


When Jungkook awoke the room was a melanoid color, rendering Jungkook's eyesight temporarily disabled. As his eyes adjusted to the dark, he became aware of the presence beside him who had their arms wrapped around his waist. Jungkook struggled a bit, becoming slightly uncomfortable at the proximity of the body next to him and their taut grip on his waist. He released a little noise of exasperation and alleviated the tension in his body, officially giving up on his task. He felt the body next to him stir and for a frightening moment he had been a disturbance.

"Go to sleep, Kookie-ah." A voice whispered in his ear. Jimin. His voice didn't contain it's usual qualities. It was deep and husky with only a slight tint of the high-pitched sound he usually possessed. Jungkook had to admit; it was quite a turn on. Jungkook rapidly shook the thought away from his head. He had a girlfriend and he was straight. It just wasn't probable for Jeon Jungkook to be attracted to Park Jimin. While he did retain certain aspects that caused him to be one of the more attractive males in the world, there was no way he could be attracted to the man he rejected for so long.

"But I can't," Whispered Jungkook, his voice barely audible for the human ear. Jimin's ears somehow perceived the minuscule sound that was emitted from Jungkook and prepared his response. Jimin pulled Jungkook onto his chest and Jungkook could practically feel Jimin's heart threatening to escape its cage. Jungkook let out a contented sigh, the feeling of Jimin's chest rising and falling underneath the weight of his body transferring comfort to his own.

"Is this better?" Jimin breathed out. Jungkook didn't reply, the warmth Jimin gave him already dragging him into sleep.

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