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❝Here is the church and here is the steeple, we sure are cute for two ugly people. I don't see what anyone can see in anyone else but you.❞ ―Anyone Else But You, The Moldy Peaches

They both remained on the couch where they had been residing for the last hour, sunlight scantily filtering between the blinds hanging in the immensely large window behind them. No words were uttered between the two forms, but no words seemed to needed. They had discovered comfort within the silence presence of the other. Jimin curled up into Jungkook's side, savoring the blissful feeling occurring deep beyond the rib cages that contained his lungs and his heart. And, oh God, how it burned, but he couldn't deny that he craved then feeling more than any commodity on the surface of this giant piece of rock floating throughout an infinite nothingness. He was high off of the other boy's delicate touches with those him all fingers. They tapped intricate rhythms against his ribcage, they glided along the curves of his body and halted just short of his hips. Jimin buried himself further in Jungkook's chest, succumbing to the feelings blossoming inside his chest just like the flowers taking root in the yard just outside their front door.

Jungkook buried his nose within the mess of Jimin's strawberry blonde hair, cringing at the rough texture that was gained from dyeing it far too often. Jimin sighed at the sudden action of his significant other and attempted to snuggled closer to the source of heat next to him, only to discover that their was no more space between them for him to occupy. The older boy released a giggled from his lips that seemed to float through the air like the proper notes played upon a violin and he felt Jungkook smile into his hair. They remained in this position for a good while before Jungkook decided to pull apart from their strong embrace to gaze at the boy he had fallen so deeply for.

"I'm in love with you, hyung." Jungkook whispered, his eyes glossing over with pure adoration for the boy before him. Jimin just surrender another ethereal giggle from his plump red lips and smiled that gorgeous smile.

"You called me hyung for once," Jimin laughed, bopping Jungkook on his nose with one of his fingers. A smile pulled at the corner of Jungkook's lips and Jimin stared up at him in unmitigated awe. He couldn't fathom how one person could be so absolutely exquisite. From the mop of brown hair resting upon the top of his head to the Timberlands he always wore Jungkook was far too gorgeous to actually exist next to his body, yet here he was. It felt like too fantastic of a situation for him to actually be in at this very exact moment, but it was real. Oh God, was it real.

"What are you thinking about?" Jungkook questioned Jimin, observing the sudden change in Jimin's demeanor. Instead of remaining snuggled into his side, Jimin was pulled slightly apart from the figure adjacent to him and gazing deeply into the other's eyes.

"I'm thinking about you." Jimin whispered, lifting a hand to trace Jungkook's jawline. Jimin desired to commit every feature of Jungkook's face to memory just in case he never had the privilege of gazing upon the long dark eyelashes, the sharp jawline, and the perfect body his significant other possessed. Jungkook snorted at this, amused by how sappy the situation had transitioned in to. Jimin pouted and Jungkook was quick to comfort the older boy, afraid he had wounded his baby for real. Jimin took careful note of this specific occurrence and pressed his puckered lips to the tip of Jungkook's button shaped nose to reveal his ever growing appreciation for Jungkook cherishing him as if he was the most important object to ever exist upon the face of the earth.

"I wish we could stay like this forever." Jungkook whispered, his voice barely escaping his slightly parted lips. Jimin was convinced that those words weren't meant for his ears to observe, but he analyzed them regardless. The air had transformed into stagnant silence for awhile after their prolonged exchange, but once more the situation didn't require any speaking from either of the bodies laying adjacent to one another. Jimin tugged at his sleeves, pulling the fabric of his hoodie down over the exposed skin of his wrists. The boy just next to him observed this action, searching for any sign of mental struggle upon the older lover's pale skin. Jimin noticed this and was extremely quick to explain.

"I'm just cold, Kookie," He laughed, attempting to avoid a nervous tone when speaking to his younger lover. He hadn't completed any rash action, but he was afraid of appearing guilty to his partner.

"Are you sure?" Jungkook questioned, he face displaying a dark demeanor. Jimin just nodded his head yes, not speaking since his voice would leave his throat as a series of shakes and stumbled over words that he was sure would convict him immediately. Jungkook noticed the topic at hand was creating an uncomfortable atmosphere between the two of them and dropped it instantly as a result.

"I'm sorry," Jungkook said, the spaces between the letters he spoke full of absolute sincerity. Jimin laughed, attempting to remove the appearance of Jungkook's angered face from his thoughts. It was nearly impossible, however, and Jimin was left shaking from the recent conjured memory.

"It's fine, Kookie. You were just looking out for me, I understand."

Jungkook released a sigh of relief and wrapped his arms around Jimin's waist, his unrelenting grip nearly crushing the smaller boy to a fine pulp. Despite the air being forced out of his lungs by an eighteen year old with a pair of preposterously strong arms, Jimin was content with the current position he was remaining in. It was scarce for the two boys to be able to provide their time for each other and they were both aware of it, choosing to maintain the silence between them once more. Jimin felt Jungkook's nose bury into his hair and slacked his body within the walls of Jungkook arms. This is where the older boy coalesced his two eyelids so that they may travel into the world of sleep, but not before Jungkook could get one last word in.



"I love you."

"I love you too."


A/N: It's been so long since I've oh my god. But I'm back now and I'm (hopefully) going to update more over Christmas break so be prepared for that! Also, the next few chapters are probably just going to be fluff because I decided you guys really, REALLY need a break from constant angst. Thank you guys for reading and I love you, bye~!

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