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This is the most difficult thing I've ever had to write in my life - and I've had my fair share of writer's block - but...

I think it's about time to end Blue.

It's had its run and honestly I'm ready to move on and show how much my writing has matured and grown from this experience. I started this fanfiction almost year ago and it's amazing to me how much people loved and supported it. I'm aware at how terrible I am at updating often, but you guys continuously supported me throughout the whole process and it's absolutely amazing. I was never truly convinced that I was a good writer until my friend (who, sadly, is no longer a friend of mine) forced me to post this story after months of internal turmoil with myself. It blew up almost over night and I had never received such positive feedback on anything I had composed - unless, of course, you count the minor comments I gained from my parents on anything I had created.

And, yeah, sure - my writing was pretty crap the first couple of chapters despite my hours upon hours of work I put into each paragraph. But as your love and appreciation for this story and my writing increased, my love for my own ability in writing increased. I began to pen more songs, discover ways to improve my writing. Updates are never as frequent as they should be - and I'm well aware of that - but I am always trying to put out content that will please all of you. I'm always hesitant to post chapters; I'm almost scared people would have forgotten all about the story due to my busy schedule. But I don't desire to disappoint any of you with sub-par content or inaccurate information (And, yes, that is me throwing shade towards the earlier chapters in this book).

You guys are the primary reason my mental health has improved significantly, even if I still frequently have episodes of self-loathing and even selfish behavior. I think about all of you and how much you care about me - about this story - and it gives me hope. It makes me happy. It gives me so much joy to be the creator of something that people want to indulge in and enjoy. It makes me feel confident when you explain to me what emotions my writing provokes; it also makes me well aware that I am a great writer, and that I have so much potential for the future. So thank you guys. Thank you guys so much. You guys are the only reason I've continued writing this story, and if I hadn't received this much support I'm not quite sure whether or not I'd still be writing. Thank you, thank you, thank you. I've said it approximately a million times, but thank you and I love you. And I mean it. Every single time.

But don't worry guys. This story still has about two chapters left - hell, maybe even three or four. I'm going to pour my soul into each one and attempt to create them to be as fulfilling as possible. And one this story ends... That's not the last of me. I already have another orchestra-based Namjoon fanfic entitled No Strings Attached in the works. I'm also more than happy to begin more ship-based fanfics. Just hit me up, tell me the ship, provide me a concept you'd love to see me splurge on, and I'll see what I can do. Hell, maybe I'll even start a oneshot book. But this is not the end of me. And even though Blue is ending, I hope you guys continue to enjoy my writing. I hope newer fans still come around to check out my writing.

And even though I may not respond to every comment considering I get nearly 100-200 notifications every time I post, I want you to know that I appreciate it. All of it. I am overwhelmed when I witness how much you guys love this story. It literally makes me cry. You guys are all beautiful and I consider each and every one of you absolutely brilliant. Don't be afraid to message me, even if I don't respond immediately. I'm always more than happy to talk to you guys. It may sound borderline creepy, but you guys are my world and I would have no idea what I'd be if it weren't for you.

Thank you so, so much. From the bottom of my heart. I love you all. I hope you consider continuing to support me even when this book reaches its demise, but even if you don't I love you too.

Thank you.


(Yes, I fucking cried while writing this. jUDGE ME.)

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