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❝Sleep, baby, sleep. What are you waiting for? The morning's on its way, you know it's only just a dream. Oh sleep, baby, sleep. I lie next to you. The beauty of this mess is that it brings me close to you.❞ ―Broods, Sleep Baby Sleep

Jimin's eyes were staring into the inky darkness, sleep refusing to lull him away from the present world encasing his body. A wave of frustration settled over his limbs and he released an audible sigh from his lips, but his skin noticed the minuscule movements of the boy next to him and he silenced himself. A smile creeped across his lips as a car passed and the light beamed through the window, enabling him to see the raven haired boy curled up into a ball next to him, engendering him to appear almost as if he frame was more petite than Jimin's. The older wrapped his arm around the younger's waist, his smile never faltering. He couldn't be too quite too sure of what had caused it first, the warmth radiating off the body next to him or the tangy scent of Jungkook's cologne, but he was suddenly enveloped by a comforting darkness.

When Jimin's eyes finally released him from the deep confounds of sleep, a deep panic made its way into his heart. The warmth that had resided next to him had vanished, allowing cold air to dig underneath the numerous layers of his skin. His fingers reached out as if to grasp the memories of last night that could have been tarrying there; only halting themselves to wait for Jimin's utter devotion to release it. But Jimin pulled his fingers away from the vacant space, empty handed. A sigh escaped left his lips again, almost reminiscent of the one he released before he discovered his key to escaping into the world residing beneath his eyelids.

Jimin pulled himself out of the frigid white sheets, being extraordinarily careful to avoid causing a immense amount of noise for the fear of disturbing any of the member's light slumber. As he did so, he let his feet brush against the ground unguarded, and even though it happened to be carpet, a shiver creeped up his spine. He silently stumbled over to his mahogany dresser and pulled out a pair of socks in order to protect himself from the perilously bitter carpet. He put one foot in front of the other, cautiously walking down the hallway in order to evade the wooden flooring creaking. He wrapped his arms around himself, not becoming accustomed to how freezing the others kept the dorm.

As he completed his journey into the living room, his eyes observed the young boy who's chest was rising and falling as he resumed his sleep on the couch. A part of Jimin experienced a heavy pang in his chest as he came to realize that Jungkook decided that he didn't want to sleep next to him. He wanted to curl up next to him, but he was aware of how poor of an action that would be to take. Jungkook obviously didn't want to be adjacent to him, and he had to respect the boy's wishes. Jimin gave a weak smile and turned to walk back to his room to sulk, but a hand grasped his wrist.

"Stay." A voice whispered. As he spoke his singular word, Jimin could help but analyze the small syllable that left the boy's lips. Jungkook's voice left his throat barely in a whisper, a minuscule sound that anyone's ears who hadn't been associate with Jungkook could have missed and disregarded entirely. But Jimin had become accustomed to the small voice that managed to leave Jungkook in the early hours of the morning as they released all their worries of the uncertain, unstable future into the air. Jimin walked through the frigid air encasing him in shivers and transformed in into assuaging warmth as he crawled next to his lover.

"Jimin," Jungkook whispered, his voice resembling faint remnants of wisps of smoke days after a fire. Jimin cherished the sound invading his ear drums, glad that Jungkook entrusted him enough to unveil the vulnerable portion of his personality. Jimin's mouth found its way next to the ear and kissed the shell of it. He could feel Jungkook's body shiver as he whispered his response into his ear, the air dancing against the milky white expanse of skin. "Yes?" Jimin breathed.

Jungkook released a shaky breath before resuming the sentence he was going to let fall upon his boyfriend's ears. "I had a dream about you." Jimin pondered what images subconscious could conjure up about him before responding to the vague statement.

"Oh yeah?" Jimin whispered. "What about?" He could feel Jungkook inhale yet another deep breath as he assembled the right letters to explain exactly what he experienced in his head. There was a silence between them where Jungkook was analyzing his sentence in his mind and Jimin was analyzing the features of the boy residing alongside his body. The slope of his nose, the angelic curve of his lips, and his well defined jawline were all being burned into Jimin's mind as Jungkook was gathering the courage to allow his words to be released into the frigidly cold air.

"I-It was a-about," Jungkook managed to stutter out after a prolonged period of time. Jimin nuzzled his nose right behind the other's ear, his breath performing an intricate ballet that caused Jungkook to shiver even as it abandoned the patch of skin where it once danced. Jimin could sense Jungkook's hesitation and he tensed, thoughts of worry being shot up his nerves. It pained him a bit that he wasn't trusted with this sliver of information as small as his boyfriend's dream, but he kept those thought at bay so he wouldn't fortuitously allow his words out into the open and disturb Jungkook's thoughts.

"It's okay, Kookie," Jimin soothed. "You can tell me."

"I had a dream that you stopped eating again." Jungkook blurted out, his face reddening as the sound of his words echoed throughout the air. Jimin felt his facial expression contort into one of shock. His brain didn't fully comprehend the extent of what Jungkook said in order to evade overriding his body with a numbing feeling of shock. He wasn't aware that the fear of his disorder eating habits returning was a prominent fear for he thought Jungkook entirely believed him when he said he would do anything for the maknae, even give up a completely dominating habit that was difficult to be dismissive of. Jungkook seemed to have observed the abrupt adjustment in the atmosphere around Jimin before turning to face him and releasing his next statement.

"I trust you," Jungkook whispered, placing his hand on Jimin's cheek comfortingly. "I'm just worried that one day I won't be here and-" But Jimin's mouth cut him off before he could complete his sentence filled to the brim with the his worries. Jimin found his fingers moving Jungkook's jet black hair away from his milky white forehead and his lips placing a precarious kiss right in the center. He rested his chin on top of Jungkook's head and uttered his next statement, "It was just a dream. Now sleep, baby, sleep."

And Jungkook did just that.

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