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❝I still remember how it all came back together just to fall apart again.❞ ―La Dispute, Andria

Cold. That's the feeling that languidly crept up Jimin's vertebrae as its intention of spreading to the very tip of every nerve ending became reality. Jimin shivered, attempting to locate an escape amongst all the blanched items that seemed to surround him. Jimin absolutely despised hospitals for the feeling of an impending death was almost certain within the confines of the walls. The scent of bleach and the blinding whiteness of the rooms was almost too much and not enough all simultaneously. He could sense a needle in his arm, presumably his IV, he couldn't observe much of anything, and he could hear the chatter of workers calming down hysterical family members or gossiping about in which patient a certain disease was caused. He was being over and under stimulated all at once and it was nearly far too much for his brain to comprehend.

It was like this when his hyungs couldn't make the long car drive to come and visit him in his bed ridden state. He was constantly on the verge of having a panic attack, tears forever pricking at his eyes, as he forced his body to stay in its original position. Maintaining a situated state deemed more difficult than Jimin thought all because three days of nothing was a momentous amount of emptiness. Although he had the feelings of boredom and desolation concocted into one, he couldn't help but feel slightly grateful for such an abrupt change in the passing of time. He was able to observe how ordinary - well, somewhat ordinary - lives passed by at such a gradual rate. But the long, lingering seconds that filled all the spaces in every minute, which filled the spaces in every hour, which filled the spaces in every day he remained in the same situation caused his sense to transform into something more acute, which accentuated his boredom.

In the midst of Jimin analyzing the various minuscule cracks that littered the walls that were void of any color, his ears perked up to listen the sound of a human being entering the rather bland room. His bright and expecting eyes immediately darted to the right in order to observe the human being entering through the door. The luster possessed by his chocolate brown eyes was suddenly dimmed at the sight of the person reluctantly and almost awkwardly standing in front of an agape door that they were currently shutting behind their back. Their face was painted with the look of worry at the current state Park Jimin was in and Jimin couldn't help but detect the feeling of dread filling him up to each and every extremity.

Jeon Jungkook was standing right in front of Jimin with a look of pity doused across his entire stature and Jimin couldn't help but despise it.

"Jimin," Jungkook spoke, his voice allowing cracks of pity to shine through. Jimin's eyes hardened, a rather bitter expression occupying his face. He couldn't stand the way Jungkook eyes were looking him up and down as if he was just a poor little child who only deserved half-assed empathy offered by the adults. "We need to talk." Jimin rolled his eyes, fully aware he appeared quite childish committing such an action in front of his donsaeng. I mean, what did does he need to talk about now? Hasn't he already said enough?

"I really don't want to talk to you, Jungkook-ah." He cringed at how hoarse and weak his voice came out, but he decided to just live with it. A look of hurt flashed across Jungkook's face and Jimin might have felt a minuscule drop of empathy for him, but he just laughed. Jungkook's eyebrow raised, the look of hurt becoming a permanent fixture. Could he really not understand the reason behind Jimin not desiring to have a discussion between them? Was he really that much of an idiot?

"Please Jimin, just hear me out," Jungkook begged, a look of desperation gained upon his face as he spoke his work. "I just need you to listen to me." Jimin shook his head no, attempting to explain to Jungkook that all his attempts were futile. He would never get a decent word out of him no matter how hard he tried. Jimin was a closed book to Jungkook now and he doesn't think he'll ever open up to reveal what the inside pages contain. Although he had convinced himself that he couldn't and would never open up to the younger boy before him, he couldn't help but experience the deep feeling of desiring to confide in him. He attempted to rid of such a feeling, but it persisted its existence in the pit of his stomach.

"Jimin," Jungkook said, persisting with his desperate tone in attempt to break Jimin's hardened resolve. Jimin's eyes avoided observing the younger boy, set on ignoring him until he committed the walk out of the goddamn building. It was quite intriguing how just a few minutes ago Jimin had desired someone to keep his company and now he was far too set on getting rid of the only company he's had for days. Jungkook's eyebrows furrowed, a strange look settling across his features. He had never quite been ignored to this extent by Jimin before and it was causing rather strange feeling to bubble up within his stomach. Jimin couldn't exactly examine and determine the name of the feeling Jungkook was currently experiencing, but he could presume it was centered around the fact that he was ignoring and disregarding every single word that exited the maknae's mouth.

Jungkook took a step towards Jimin, who was helpless within the hospital sheets, with his intention indecipherable. His eyes were clouded over and his expression remained in an unreadable state and Jimin couldn't help but let fear build up within the confines of his rather minuscule stature. Jungkook's warm palm found the back of Jimin's neck, tingles shooting down the older boy's spine. He hadn't been touched in this way in such a long time, especially not Jungkook, so every sensation mimicked the very first time they were allowed to touch each other in this format. Jungkook leaned in so close Jimin could almost feel his breath dancing across the intricate bone work resting underneath his skin.

The next thing Jimin knew he was completely consumed by the thought of Jungkook.

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