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Q: What inspired you to start writing? Love it story so much btw

A: Okay, so I didn't know whether or not you meant what inspired me to start writing Blue or just writing in general, so I'm gonna do both because sweg. But what inspired me to just start writing in general is actually a pretty tricky question for me to answer. There's no specific answer to that; I've always kind of just did it. And what inspired me to write Blue was the whole incident with Jimin and how he obtained his abs in the first place, quote on quote "losing" his abs, and the pressure he got from certain fans to gain them back. Hope that answered that! ^^ And thank you so much for supporting this story!

Q: How did you come up with the story line/plot for this story? Can't wait for the next update :3

A: I'm sure if you read the last question you probably got you answer, but I'm going to go a little more in depth. Basically when I heard about all the really crappy ARMYs (if we can even call them such) leaving the fandom because of Jimin "losing" his abs, I was astounded. And when I heard about the means he went about to obtain those abs, I was also astounded. When I found out he was only eating one meal a day before recently and even apologized to fans for something so insignificant and promised he would work harder, I knew I had to write this story. Even though Jimin and Jungkook aren't dating in real life, I very much wanted to base this story off of real things such as Jimin skipping meals. I added the Jikook to make it a little more easily digestible (and because I love Jikook) but that's how this story was inspired! I hope that answered you question~! And don't worry, I have like two paragraphs of the next chapter up and I promise I'll finish it this weekend~

Q: Where's the smut

A: Okay, well, I'm not the BEST smut writer... But I try, haha. Recently, it's been a matter of there just not being a proper place where it fits, but I'll try to find spot for it ;)


A: Honestly, I write because I enjoy it. As crazy as it sounds, I love planning my chapters. I love editing until 4:00 in the morning, only to re-read it in the morning and scrap the entire thing (which is part of the reason chapters take so long, oops). I love the little creative slumps I get dragged into, as much as they absolutely suck. I love forgetting to eat and sleep all because I was so focused on making sure what I was about to put out was quality. And most of all, I love reading your comments. I get absolutely ecstatic when you guys post love towards my writing and show reactions. I love all the ghosties and the people who only vote. And as much as I hate making you guys cry, I love that you feel enough of a connection to my writing that it evokes emotion. And thank you so much! I honestly don't believe I write all too well; there's some stuff I definitely need to work on. But I'm on it! And sorry for making you cry and writing such a hug paragraph omg.

Q: How are you so descriptive? I often have great plots and well developed characters, but I always miss on the descriptions.

A: This one actually took some thinking on, mainly because I've never really analyzed my creative process before. Typically I envision the scene in my head and I write down the way I think it looks and sounds. Then I re-read the sentence(s) a couple of times, revise them, and sometimes I look up better ways to describe certain things. Thesaurus's are extremely helpful with this! You can look up alternative words to the ones that you're using and it helps so much! I use thesaurus.com a LOT to aid me with descriptions. I hope this helps~! And I'll be sure to check out your stories sometime ;)

Q: Have you ever been so good at writing and describing things? And also do you like Meg Myers?

A: Surpringsly, no, I haven't always been good at writing and describing things, haha! I read some of my old works that I wrote on here from Elementary school and even from last year and I just... Cringe. In fact, I even re-read the first chapter from Blue and wanted to just start editing it immediately! Writing is not something you're just GOOD at, you rEALLY have to work at it. People always say that I've been pretty good at it since I was a kid, but that's because I was always doing it! aND YES I LOVE MEG MYERS SO MUCH SHE'S SO GREAT I LOVE HER VOICE

Q: How are you the best fucking author I have ever read on wattpad for fanfics
like there's one other that is great but honestly this is amazing
tbh I haven't read anything better other than from my book fandoms
and is the angst going to continue

and I'm very excited for the upcoming chapters yay
But honestly is there going to be a happy ending

A: Am I really the best author you've read on here for fanfics? That means so much to me! Thank you so much! And the angst mIGHT CONTINUE IDK I HAVE NO IDEA WHAT IM DOING TBH. AND YES I INFIRE YOU THIS IS THE ABSOLUTE BEST DAY EVER. INFIRES. And I'm so glad you like my story enough to be excited for the upcoming chapters! I'm working on it, I promise! And I don't know about the ending yet, honestly. But that's t.o.p secret ;) did you see what I did there iM CACKLING

Q: Oh and how old are you it doesn't say on your tmi tag
omf I'm such a stalker

A: I'm thirteen, haha! And you're not a stalker omg. A lot of people ask me this~

Q: Are you a fan of the singer Sia? 'Coz this story is kind of similar to her songs like, "Chandelier" and "Big Girls Cry." I know it doesn't make that much sense, what I'm saying, because Jimin is a guy. But whenever I read this book, it reminds me of Sia and her songs. Idk why I like depressing music music and stories like this lol. Another thing is, not to be rude, but have you ever done some stuff in your book, in your real life? Is it kinda based on your life experiences? Just curious. Because I have also done horrible things to myself when I was too depressed. Either way, your book is GOALS and I can't wait for the next update❤️

Q: Surprisingly, since I'm actually a huge alternative fan rather pop, I actually really like Sia! I take a lot of inspiration from her songs and I absolutely look up to her as a writer. She manages to take her real life experiences and turn them into catchy, yet meaningful songs and I find that absolutely brilliant. And I see what you mean by that, haha. I can see where you thought Chandelier and Big Girls cry were similar to this story~ And actually, I have done a lot of the stuff I've written about in real life. I used to self harm. And it actually escalated to the point that I was cutting myself on a daily basis and I was sent to therapy. Granted, the therapist absolutely sucked, but that's beside the point. Eventually, I stopped cutting but the summer after I stopped I started skipping meals. It was nothing too major; I was skipping breakfast and lunch and then eating dinner so that my parents wouldn't get suspicious. And that wasn't rude at all! You were just curious. And I hope you don't do those things to yourself anymore! It wouldn't make me sad if one of my fans self harmed! ;-; And thank you so much! I'm glad you like it, and I promise I'll get the next update up this weekend!

If you read aLL of this you're an absolute champ because I write too much!

But thank you all for asking me all of those lovely questions and most of all, thank you for supporting me! I know I'm not the best author in terms of updating frequently, so it means so much that you guys have stuck through and read it up until this point. I love you guys so much and I wouldn't be here without you.

Hell, when I started this story I never thought it'd get this popular. I never thought this many people would read it or even LIKE it, so this means so much to me. I can't say thank you enough. I'm eternally grateful to all of you and this story wouldn't have made it this far without you guys.

So thank you so much and remember:


(and also the update will most likely be up this weekend but shhhh you didn't hear that from me)

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