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❝It hurts, but why can't I turn away?❞ ―Hopeless Love, Park Jimin (15&)

Jimin simply disregarded the tears pricking at his eyes, the shock finally settling deep within his bones. He glanced around the room with its white painted walls and it's immaculate furniture, attempting to avoid Jungkook's eyes and his wrists stained a beautifully tragic crimson. Jimin sniffled, the pain becoming unbearable as it swelled in his chest, crushing his ribs and ultimately suffocating him. A strangled sob exited someone's throat, a sound that wasn't registered, and it took a few moments to realize that he was sobbing hysterically.

"Jungkook," He whimpered. "Oh, Jungkook." Jungkook adverted his eyes just had Jimin did once before, refusing to gaze into the eyes of his lover who he had the audacity to hurt. He should have known the actions he created across his skin would inflict pain on not only him, but Jimin too. Jungkook tugged the sleeves of his far too big hoodie over his crimson stained wrists, not being able to bare Jimin's reaction if his eyes accidentally caught a glimpse of all that red amongst the beautiful milky white.

"Jungkook," Jimin sobbed, his voice cracking. He observed the way the sound caused Jungkook's body to immediately cringe, almost like it despised the fact it had inflicted so much pain. "Why didn't you talk to me, baby? You know you can tell me anything, right?" Jungkook stared at the floor with an unmatched intensity and a sinking feeling began to occur within the depths of Jimin's stomach. Did his boyfriend really not trust him? Jimin swallowed the lump in his throat in an attempt to consume the rest of the tears he contained that were beginning to spill, but it prevailed unsuccessful. Hot tears danced across his tan skin; tears Jungkook yearned to rid of. He desired the brighter than the sun smile Jimin almost always wore upon his face, but he was aware of how long gone it was. He fucked up. Big time.

Jimin hesitated for a minute, not quite aware what was entirely the correct way to approach the action he was about to take. Should he ask? Should he just do it? He released a breath that he was holding within his lungs; his decision made. His feet ran grand steps forward, despite there being a rather short distance between the two bodies, and his arms discovered their direction around Jungkook's waist. Jimin buried his head in the crook of Jungkook's neck, releasing an ugly sob. He had to be there for his boyfriend, despite the current events that proceeded to rip his still beating heart out of its protective cage. The heart was a wild animal meant to caged, sure, but the main reasoning behind the barrier between the fragile item and the outside world was to protect it from pain. Jimin's heart was made of glass and he was pretty sure Jungkook had just shattered it.

Jungkook's arms wrapped around Jimin's slight frame and Jimin couldn't help but allow a small smile to spread across his face. He was going to be present for Jungkook no matter the numerous scares prevalent on his wrist. He was going to support Jungkook throughout the difficult situation he was scarcely getting by in, and he was going to discover some method to retrieve his lover from the mess he had created. He was sure of it. They remained in that position for a good while; the warmth from the body adjacent to theirs spreading warmth throughout all their extremities. Jimin sighed, tears threatening to make their way down the expanse of his cheeks once more. Jungkook noticed this and frowned, moving his arm from Jimin's waist to wipe the tears that had already began their journey.

"No matter what, Jungkook," Jimin spoke, his shallow breathes extremely prominent throughout the sentence he spoke. "I'll always be here for you. No matter what you're going through; I'm here. I just want you to remember that." At those words, Jungkook pulled Jimin into a hug that caused the other to pale in comparison. Jungkook squeezed Jimin as tight as he could, his thanks and his words being expressed through the silent moments that remained in between them. When Jimin was finally released, he couldn't help but allow the urge to kiss Jungkook surge through his mind and pump throughout the intricate web of veins residing beneath his skin.

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