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❝So you can drag me through Hell, if it meant I could hold your hand.❞ ―Follow You, Bring Me The Horizon

"I want to get better," Jimin states bluntly as he stood forward of Jungkook, pursing his lips as he anticipated the younger boy's reaction. Jungkook provided his partner with a peculiar look, not quite sure as to why this topic had abruptly interrupted their conversation about Irish wolfhounds. Jimin still remained in front of Jungkook, this time his head lowered to avoid the gaze Jungkook was casting upon him. The silence remained in the space between the two boys before Jungkook awoke his senses and decided to break the ever-present silence.

"W-why?" At that quietly uttered response from Jungkook's otherwise closed lips, Jimin's head shot up. His eyes were filled to the brim with a significant amount of fear. Jungkook was fully aware he was afraid the scenarios he conjured up in his head of Jungkook judging every aspect of him becoming the truth, but Jungkook was quick to counteract his partner's negative line of thought with another sentence elicited from the actions he decided to take right within that moment. He grabbed the older boy's right hand and lifted his chin with his free hand, grasping at a moment to gaze deep within the chestnut pigmented eyes the other boy possessed. It was yet another moment where their ability to release a string of letters that were intended to validate the moment they were sharing with each other's presence just simply was not required. Jimin released a breath, relieved that Jungkook wasn't going to criticize him severely.

"Y-you aren't gonna judge me? Or say I'm an issue?" Jimin questioned his boyfriend, his voice appearing minuscule once it escaped the confines of his throat. Jungkook hesitated to answer for a moment and Jimin tensed up, anticipating but also being afraid of the answer the boy in front of him was going to elicit.

"You could drag me through Hell if it meant I could hold your hand, Jimin," Jungkook answered honestly, sincerity permeating each and every letter that escaped from his pink tinted lips. Jimin instantly wrapped his arms around the other's waist and buried his nose into the crook of his neck, small sobs racking throughout his small body. Jungkook left a small kiss on the top of the other's cranium and then another on his forehead, attempting to sooth the boy in front of him. Jimin took a vast notice of this and pulled away from their embrace only to meet again, this time with their lips. As time progressed, the kiss only grew to be more passionate as the need to be apart of the other became far too much for the both of them to handle.

"Jesus Christ, get a room!" A familiar voice called. "You fuckers woke me up with all that goddamn moaning." The two boys pulled apart from each other's mouths and whirled around to be met with none other than their bandmate Yoongi who had a quite irritated expression drawn across his otherwise extremely lax features.

"S-sorry, hyung," Jungkook whispered, his cheeks being dusted with a light shade of rose. Yoongi chuckled at the sight of a flustered Jungkook, deciding to screw around with his dongsaeng just to see the embarrassed expression upon his face. When he pushed past the two boys, moving towards the location of the coffee machine so that he could make up for his lost sleep is when he decided would be the best time to have some fun with the younger boy.

"Alright, but remember kids: use protection!" Yoongi snickered.

"Hyung!" Jungkook yelled, hiding his face within his hands. Jimin just smirked, however, and began leading Jungkook towards his shared room. He silently prayed to himself that nobody would be within the walls of the room, leaving the two boys to themselves. Seeing that they were in fact isolated from the rest of their band members who seemed to appear at the most inconvenient of times, Jimin pushed the younger boy against the door and began assaulting his with a barrage of kisses.

"Tell me what you want." Jimin stated, his voice coming off as a bit authoritative. He was fully aware this might intimidate the younger boy who was already flustered as it is, but he had to be taught one way or another.

"Hyung..." Jungkook whispered, his face suddenly emitting a deep crimson from his cheeks. Jimin could tell he had thought of something he desired, but was far too afraid to share with his partner. Jimin stroked his cheek, assuring him that it was a safe environment for him to indulge and share what he desired him to do.

"Yeah?" Jimin asked, his breath being exhaled in quick pants. He examined the warmth within the pigment of the eyes staring deeply into his, attempting to search for the remaining segment of Jungkook's started sentence.

"I'm not ready." Jungkook blurted abruptly, pushing Jimin away from his body. Jimin gazed at the younger boy with a look of confusion painted across his features, not fully comprehending the moment that had just occurred. Jungkook was quick to recognize the look upon Jimin's features and was even quicker to begin his stumbling and clumsy apology, but Jimin halted his behavior with a gentle peck on the younger boy's lips.

"Shut up!" Jimin giggled. "It's okay if you're not ready, I get it. Now let's go watch The Notebook and cry more than we should." And as he grabbed Jungkook's wrist and caught the look smoldering within the confines of the color of his eyes, Jimin was aware of one thing being absolutely true.

He was fully, madly in love with Jeon Jungkook.


A/N: It's a short chapter, I know, but I wanted to fit one more in before I have to go back to school :( And I promise there'll be smut soon. Granted, it'll probably be terrible smut, but it'll still be smut for you complete horndogs out there. tHANK YOU FOR READING AND I LOVE YOU ALL!

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