THRID POINT OF VIEW"No, no, no pleaseeee." Beyoncé frowned turning her key over for the eighth time that morning.
"What the fuck." She hollered slapping her useless wheel. For some reason her car just wasn't working, like at all.
She tried turning it on and it wasn't working. She was over everything. She was so upset the other day because of the whole Onika situation. Now this, she felt like she had bad luck at this point. Was someone out to get her or something.
"What do I do." She mumbled getting out of her car. Leaning against it with a frown she went through her messages. She was going to text jay but a voice scared her.
"You good?" Glancing up at Onika she squinted her eyes.
"I'm fine." She scoffed crossing her arms. She didn't want her help at all.
"Are you sure?" Onika questioned, stuffing her hands into her hoodie. She tilted her head a bit and Beyoncé couldn't help the memories that flashed through her head.
"Yea, why wouldn't I be?"
"It's 7:30 and school starts at 7. Youve never been the type to be late. Car troubles?" Beyoncé gasped glancing down at the time, she was right.
"Y-yeah. It won't start." She mumbled, onika walked closer placing a hand out. Reluctantly Beyoncé gave her the keys not without an eye roll though.
Getting in her car she went to start it up and Beyoncé smacked her teeth.
"You think I wouldn't have tried that?"
"Bro Beyoncé I try, or I give you a ride. You can work with me or keep bitchin like a little ass girl."
"That was uncalled for." Beyoncé mumbled, she went quiet though. She didn't want to have to get a ride.
Starting the car up, Beyoncé gasped to see it actually turned on. But when Onika got out the car and Beyoncé got in. It immediately started making noise again eventually turning off.
"I think your energy is fucking up your car word to." Onika chuckled, Beyoncé smacked her lips looking up at the girl.
Her heart skipped a beat as Onika was hovering over her. Leaning into the car a bit to watch Beyoncés every move. The blonde was nervous for the first time in a while. Swallowing before trying to start the car again. It didn't work and she just gave up with a sigh.
"Come on I can take you." Beyoncé shook her head.
"I don't even wanna go. It's fine I don't wanna go." Onika smacked her lips staring at the girl as if she were crazy. Standing up she stuffed her hands into the front of her pants.
Catching Beyoncé all the way off guard.
"Your tripping. It's just a ride, I'm not asking your annoying ass to marry me or whatever gangster." Beyoncé was quick to defend with an attitude.
"Now I'm just annoying? You know what was really annoying? You constantly blowing up my phone and crying about—."
"Whatever Beyoncé walk." Onika shrugged quickly turning around and walking across the street.
The blonde got out slamming her car door shut. She watched as Onika stooped down sitting in her black dodge challenger. Beyoncé didn't know what to do. She couldn't stand Onika with a passion— but she really needed a ride.
Watching the car back out she sighed grabbing her bag and phone. She stomped toward the car stopping just as it stopped. Onika slowly rolled her window down leaning out of it a bit.