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"Im telling you niggas I'm not going back to that school."

"Nigga you need to graduate. Fuck the principal if you just stay out the way you're straight." Wayne told onika seriously.

"Na he plotting. I swear nigga holding a grudge or some shit." She exhaled passing the blunt to waka.

Everyone sat on carols porch smoking and laughing it up. Onika told them what happened and they just had to hear the story in person. Domo and his friends even were being nosey. And to add to everyone linking up Carol was cooking a big ass meal. It was like a little family reunion. Everyone coming together to figure out who won the fight.

"Fuck all that who won??" Ty questioned with a large grin. He was at the edge of his seat waiting for onika to answer. She was seconds away from telling them when Tina's car pulled up.

Beyoncé got out slamming the door behind her. She was about to head into her own home when Tina shouted causing her to stop.

"Go ahead and turn around." Beyoncé smacked her lips loudly. A mug on her face as she stomped her way toward onika and the boys.

They all watched in silence as she completely ignored them. Making her way into the house of course slamming the door behind her. The boys couldn't stop the laughs that escaped their mouths.

"Ooohhhhhh she won!! I can just tell!" Wayne fell out slapping his thigh. Domo nodded his head "I can tell by the way she slammed that damn door." Onika nodded Beyoncé was a lil gangster in real life.

"Damn onika I pray you don't get beat up next. It look like she ain't playing no games." Wayne jokes slapping her shoulder. She smacked her lips rolling her eyes.

"She ain't beating me up I don't know what you niggas talking about." She mugged as she stood up.

"Alright keep playing. All that lying you been doing she might put you on a shirt next." Waka warned. Onika didn't listen to them as she entered the house.

"Mama!" Onika shouted. Carol shouted back letting her know she was in the kitchen.

Onika walked in basically drooling at all the food. She went to grab a piece of chicken and was smacked immediately. She pouted pulling her arm back, her mama pointed a spoon at her squinting hard.

"Onika I should whoop yo ass!!!" Onika stepped all the way back. She wasn't expecting that energy from her mom at all.

"Mama what I do?!" Onika questioned loudly holding her chest. She was being dramatic acting like her mom just shot her.

"Where the fuck have you been?! I haven't seen you sleep in your bed in how long?! It's been a good TWO weeks!!"

Onika was fully taken back by that. Two weeks? It definitely didn't feel like it. She needed to stop smoking weed because she lost all track of time. She sighed running her hands down her face.

"Sorry mama I just—." Carol threw her good spoon at onika. The girl couldn't even dodge it groaning again at the pain.

"Mama please stop hitting me!!" Carol rolled her eyes. Stressing as she continued to cook throwing seasonings in the pan as she fumed.

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