THIRD POINT OF VIEW"I'm fried..." onika giggled sliding down in her seat. Domo shook his head grabbing the small runt from her hand.
"I'm surprised, you been smoking like a sailor. What's up with you?" He questioned finishing it off, placing the residue in his ash tray.
"I'm not tryna think about that shit gangster." She chuckled pulling her hoodie up. She tugged on the strings allowing it to cover her face.
"Mmm. You coming with me after school?"
"For what?"
"We making plays all day nigga." Onika thought painfully slow. She was apart of the group now, it's either that or be broke.
"Yeah." She shrugged opening the car door and almost falling out of it. She chuckled standing and grabbing her book bag. Watching as the smoke left the car as she did. She grabbed some spray dousing herself in it before dapping her cousin up.
"See you, nigga." She mumbled tugging on her bag straps. She pulled up her joggers walking across the parking lot. She missed first period but it was passing time now so she was just gonna walk in.
As she did she dragged her low eyes across the bodies in the hallway. She was searching for Ari, they haven't been talking recently. In all honesty onika hasn't been talking to anyone. Not even her momma got a conversation.
She was tired of everyone.
"What's up,gangster!!" She heard Ty's annoying voice boom. She lazily turned around looking him up and down with a grin.
"What's up, gangsterrr." She dragged causing him to smile as they snapped each other up. "You need eye drops, your shits not even open." Onika smirked with a shrug.
"How you been? You talking to ole girl?" Onika shook her head already knowing he was talking about Beyoncé.
She said she needed a break and she was sticking to it.
She stayed away from her own house, staying with her cousin most days. She skipped trig, skipped school, onika just avoided the girl entirely. It's been about a week and life's been a little better since she blocked the girl out.
Her heart didn't constantly pound in her chest any more. She didn't get butterflies in her stomach that took control of her emotions. Her temper has been in check, so no random crash outs. She's just been chilling with her cousin. She didn't get compared to her uncle, and she didn't stress. Everything was better in onika's mind.
Well, except for the night terrors.
Every night like clock work since she shot Lamar she had the same dream. She was in the gas station parking lot alone. She pulled up on Lamar by herself. Pressing him like she did in real life. Aiming her gun, intending to shoot him but each time it jammed. And each time a gun was in his hand.
He pulled the trigger.
He shot onika.
She would be shot directly in the chest, and it would be the worst pain she's ever felt. The dream felt real, it was always so vivid. She'd fall onto the floor, unable to scream for help. Her body paralyzed as she tried desperately to breathe and bring attention to herself. She'd call for her mom, for her dad, sometimes even bey.
But each time no one would hear her, not a single soul. The only way she wakes up from the dream is usually when he cousin shakes her. Apparently she'd be yelling in real life too. It was too much for onika, the only thing that gave her a good nights sleep was weed.