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Waka held Beyoncé as he walked her up the steps. Trying to make sure she didn't fall. Her eyes were puffy and she could hardly stand. She was weak in every way, mentally, physically, and spiritually. Beyoncé was at the end of a tight rope.

She couldn't handle it anymore.

The blonde struggled with opening the front door. Her hands trembling as she tugged on the handle. She couldn't even get the key in the hole. Waka had to gently take it from her to help. Once the door was open they walked inside toward the couch.

Beyoncé could hear the footsteps of her mother running downstairs. Her tears started to form again as she sprinted toward her mom. Sinking into her arms as she apologized again and again.

She apologized for being useless, for not listening. For trying to see the good in people. For trying to constantly change herself for others and not trying to better herself. She apologized for the arguing, for the fighting. For the mess she apparently created everywhere to went.

Beyoncé was sorry, she was so sorry. She was sorry that her mom was stuck with a daughter like her. Sorry that her younger sister had to see how much of a horrible person she was. Sorry that she wasn't good enough to keep her father around. She was sorry so so sorry she couldn't be someone else.

"Beyoncé— what- I don't understand baby sit down. Baby breathe come sit." Tina gently pressed rubbing her daughter's back.

Waka was quick to head into the kitchen. Fetching the girl a glass of water, some tissues and anything that would make her okay. But he knew most of her issues were internal.
He was seeing a side of Beyoncé no one ever really seen. She was stuck at a red light with no indication that it would turn green.

"I-I'm horrible. I— I tried to change for everyone. Be prettier be cooler, drink, smoke party do something else. Do something so people would like me and accept me. But that wasn't what I got— everyone thinks I'm some terrible girl." She bawled into her mom's chest.

"If I party and have fun I'm a slut. If I stay home and hide away I'm a loser. I don't understand I don't get it. What am I supposed to do?! H-he told me that everyone actually hated me. I only ever wanted friends that's all I ever wanted. Do these people not have hearts?? Is there something wrong with me? To have people come and speak to me the way they do. Think the things they think say the things they say!?"

"I—I wanted a friend but Reed only came to me because of Jay. All he ever wanted to do was use me for my body. As if I'm not more than that right?! But that's all I am to everyone. A pretty face with no substance nothing behind my fucking skull!! I act naive, I act easy, I'm so fucking stupid!! I don't know what role to play I don't know what to do I fucking hate this!!" She screamed suddenly standing to her feet.

Tina and Waka stood in shock as she stormed upstairs. The boy fumbling with his phone as he got a call from onika. He gulped heading outside while Tina rushed upstairs. Watching as her daughter packed frantically. He's tears falling further down her face.

"Beyoncé what happened tonight. I know you're upset but I need you to use your words honey. Talk to me, tell me what's wrong can you do that?" The girl sniffled as she threw things in her bag

"People only see me as an object. No one actually cares about me. Reed just wanted to have sex with me. Jay cheated on me because I couldn't give that to him. Everyone I thought that actually cared about me don't. I'm useless, outside of my looks I have nothing going for me. I've never been good at anything. All I did was read books and sit around all day. I couldn't be perfect, I wanted people to like me. I fucking starved myself, changed my wardrobe, dyed my dumbass fucking hair!! I did all of this and for what? To only be confused even more? To be assaulted and disrespected?! I just I can't keep doing this."

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