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"Im not fucking with that bitch ya heard? She might get ta runnin her mouth. I'm not on that." I shrugged plain and simple.

I watched as my cousin rolled his eyes. Leaning back in the jet's seats. He was walking me through a few plays on how we could get Jay. We still didn't know his address for some reason. But we knew one person who did. And to get that information I would have to basically be a cheater.

"You don't even have to do allat. Text the bitch, ask to link, smoke a lil drink a lil. Go through that hoe phone find his lo and boom. Dead man." He shrugged as if that shit was so simple.

"Alright. Text the bitch, my girlfriend finds out and I'm a dead lonely ass nigga. You hear how that sound?" I scoffed which caused him to wave me off.

"You must not want him in the ground as much as you claim." On everything I loved I wanted him in hell. Knowing he was alive made me fucking itch everywhere.

"I promise you I do. But I'm not doing no shit that might make me single. I love my girlfriend, you hear that shit? I love my girlfriend."

"I'm not asking you to fuck the bitch. Just ask for a fucking link." I knew myself, if Ari fat butt ass stood in front of me. There was no way I would walk away without touching her at least a little.

And that's me being real.

"I don't even wanna think about that shit." He chuckled slapping his knee. "Yeah you know you ain't shit. Coming to New York, you better lock yourself in the crib."

"Nahh I might actually. But it won't work, bitches already know I'm touching down. Gonna buy one of them I love my girlfriend shirts word ta bro." We both fell into a laughing fit as the flight attendant walked down the aisle.

She kept her eyes on me as she moved. If I wasn't so in love with Beyoncé Gisselle Knowles I might've fucked something. But I just mugged her clutching my chain closer. My cousin burst into laughter slapping the chairs all loud and shit.

Speaking of my girlfriend I decided to call her. This jet had good WiFi and everything, I texted her before I called. That text was to give her a second making sure she'd answer. But for some reason she didn't answer the call.

My heart kinda fell a bit but I didn't wanna trip. She could be asleep maybe, or maybe her phone was on DND. I ended up calling her again and she didn't answer. The frown on my face was bigger than before.

"I think I need five blunts bro." My cousin side eyed me but I was deadass. The fuck is wrong with her? Why she choose now to not answer the phone? I already felt like I was gonna crash out.

But I didn't even wanna trip. She probably took herself to sleep when I left. It had been a few hours now. That was probably it she was asleep. I just had to keep telling myself that over and over again. Focusing on the fact that we had a few hours left on the jet. And we'd be in New York sooner than later.

"When we touch down who we seeing first?" I asked my cousin stuffing my pants in my pocket. He hummed rubbing his chin before snapping his fingers.

"We can pull up on ya dad. Show face around that nigga, orrr we can go see Kyle and them." I had forgot all about them. Well not entirely it was hard I kept hearing their music every time I went on tik tok. They were blowing up since the last time I seen them and I was happy.

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