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"What have you been up to in New York?" It was around 3 in the morning. We had been at it for hours and honestly we would've kept going. But my mom and Solange came home.

Onika didn't want to disrespect my momma. I didn't want to either. Didn't want her to know I wasn't a virgin anymore. Didn't want her to know I'd given myself to onika on a deeper level. I wasn't sure how their relationship was anymore.

Last time I checked my mom believed I'd be a follower. I'd jump in Nikas car and would stay in it even if she drives us off a cliff. But my mom didn't understand that's just how our love was.

We don't have the perfect love story and no one does. She was the light I needed within all this darkness. My head had been in the dumps lately and just her being here with me. Allowing me to lay on her and wonder. Made my heart warm.

She hummed lightly with her left arm wrapped tightly around me. Her right hand moving as she went to break apart her weed. She was multitasking focusing on rolling herself something. Mind you she was still drunk from earlier. I was curious on her tolerance because she used to only get high off of three blunts.

Adding rum to the mix and I was worried about her physically.

"Ehhhh, nothing much." I could feel myself throb down below. Sitting up a bit I eyed her as she continued breaking it down.

She had an accent I'd never heard a day in my life. I knew she was from Trinidad but she'd never spoken like she was. Being around her people must've made her comfortable. And really that's all I wanted for her.

"Nothing much? I know that's not true don't hold out on me." I lay my head up on her lap waiting for an answer.

"It's been working with my uncle. We've been busy." She was being short and I didn't know if that was because she was coming down. Or if she wasn't saying the full truth.

Either way if she felt like she needed to tell me. She would I couldn't force her on this. This is how our problems started before. I didn't believe her and led myself to over think. I wasn't doing that this time I wanted to do it right.

"Well don't work too much I'll be missing you." She stopped doing what she was doing to look at me. Her gaze met mine and I grew nervous.

She licked her bottom lip bringing her hand towards my face. Gently rubbing my cheek I closed my eyes basking in her love. This was love genuine love. Love I'd been waiting on and it was always ready for me.

This was the love I read about in books. Cried about in movies this was it. My love story, my love, my Nika. I found myself crawling toward her. She never took her eyes off of me causing me to bite my lip.

I fully sat on her lap allowing the sheet to fall down my waist. Which she wrapped her arms around pulling me closer. I held her face in my hands kissing her lightly. Pecking her lips with the notion to show her I loved her.

"You'll miss me?" I nodded as her hands found my ass. It was 3 in the morning and we were still fighting the sexual desire. We mutually agreed on stopping out of respect.

But her eyes were low and her hands were lower. She was devouring me whole with her glare. Her hands gentle with me as they've always been. I didn't want us to go overboard but it was impossible. I had her inside of me one and I needed it again.

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