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"And you don't remember his face?" Beyoncé sighed shaking her head.

"Are you lying to me? Why I feel like you lying to me." Onika squinted staring at Beyoncé. The blonde groaned covering her face with her hands.

"I'm over this. I told you everything I know leave me alone." Beyoncé attempted to swing her leg over onika, getting off of her lap but the jet pulled her back.

"Beyoncé stop." She gripped her waist pulling her back down. "Tell me why you're lying? You know who that nigga is." Onika wanted to be patient but she needed a name and a street address.

Beyoncé didn't want to give it up.

"I don't!" Onika rolled her eyes crossing her arms over her chest. Beyoncé rolled her eyes as well doing the same thing. They both looked like twins as they mugged each other.

"I'm not telling you anything else. You're actually pissing me off." Beyoncé muttered trying to get off of onika's lap again.

The jet gasped wrapping her arms firmly around Beyoncés waist. Pulling her closer she sat her head on the girls chest. "Don't goooo!" Onika whined causing Beyoncé to smile.

"You're making me mad onika. I'm not telling you anything!" Onika let her go smacking her lips.

"Why not?!"

"I know you! You're just going to do something irrational!"

"So?! I have every reason to. Beyoncé the way you sobbed in my arms last night- you think I'm letting this shit go?" Onika asked seriously, Beyoncé looked away and onika grabbed her chin.

"You deadass think I'm letting that shit slide?" Beyoncé gulped staring down at onika.

She had stayed the night, not leaving Beyoncés side at all. Not that she had a choice, every time onika even tired to move an inch away from Beyoncé she'd cry. She didn't want to be alone and it was hard with onika being onika. She swore it was her ADHD but in reality she just wanted to leave and run the streets and be a criminal.

"Look I'll eventually get over it. You need to get over it with me." Beyoncé shrugged and onika sighed loudly.

"Fuck all that. I'm not getting over shit, it's fuck that nigga and his family!" Onika was getting herself riled up all over again.

"What're you gonna do onika? Hmm? Your gonna beat him and his family up?" Beyoncé questioned genuinely curious with the way onika was talking.

"Putting everyone on a shirt. Even the kids can get a fucking casket I don't give a fuck..." she mumbled angrily.

Beyoncé was shocked, if onika was talking about what she thought she was...

It made Beyoncé panic her heart racing as she quickly got off of the girls lap. Beyoncé started frantically looking around the room.

Omika sat up watching beyonce confusingly. Beyoncé was acting like a crazy person. Pulling her dressers open, looking in shoe boxes. Onika was confused until she finally got the hint on what the blonde was doing.

"Bey hold on-." It was too late. Beyoncé had pulled one of her boxes out the closet. It's where she used to keep her old books. She could see clear as day the gun sitting inside.

"Are you serious?! You brought this in the house!!" Beyoncé weakly shouted, hot tears steaming down her face... again.

Onika sighed jumping out of bed. She picked the gun up making sure it was on safety. Beyoncé had moved all the way across the room in fear.

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