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Beyonce sped all the way to the car onika hot on her trail. Beyoncé found her eyes pooling with tears as she sat in the front seat. Bringing her knees to her chest as she silently cried.

Onika stayed outside the car wiping her lip. She could taste the blood and it pissed her off even more. She snatched her phone out of her pocket calling her cousin. She was sick of Jay, this shit ended now.

"I ran into Jay today, I let him get the best of me. But on everything I love I'm spinning back once my girl is safe." Onika sighed her legs shaking as she stood. She was anxious biting her lip as her cousin spoke to her.

"You sure about this? That's two in one month o you better chill out." Onika scoffed shaking her head. Jay was lucky she didn't shoot his ass in the mall.

Innocent people were there, as well as cops. She didn't have the energy to go to jail. But she definitely had the energy to pull up on that nigga tonight. She'd find his location out and do him the dirtiest. She couldn't keep running into this nigga. She couldn't keep worrying about if he were near or not.

She wanted her girlfriend to feel safe at all times. And with that nigga walking the streets of Houston it wasn't safe. So onika decided to do what was best for her mental.

"We'll spin on his ass tonight."

"Say less." Onika hung the phone up sitting inside of the car. She sat back closing and locking the doors. She let out a sigh before starting the car up and backing out the parking lot.

Beyoncé hadn't uttered a single word which made onika mad. She didn't have anything to say about her catching them in the mall together. She seen how close they were standing. She knew how it looked but then again she knew Beyoncé.

But she couldn't help her reaction nor could she help wanting to put her hands on him so badly. Just thinking about it riled her up again. Stopping at a red light she glanced over at Beyoncé.

"Baby, I don't even know why you was talking to that nigga. Don't do no stupid shit like that again."

When Beyoncé didn't have anything to say onika raised an eyebrow. Glancing over at the girl who still had her face in her knees.

"Bey. What the fuck is wrong with you?" Onika reached over shaking the girl a bit. Beyoncé swatted her arm away leaning further into her side.

"You're mad at me because I caught you talking to your ex. You think you got the right to be mad??"

"Now you're just being a dick about it." Beyoncé rolled her eyes pinching at her leg. Onika turned her head to stare at the blonde as she drove.

"I should be doing more than that. I should really fuck you up! Talking to that nigga knowing you was with me!"  She yelled slapping her palm against the wheel.

"It's like you do dumb shit for the hell of it. I know you're not dumb Beyoncé fuck be going on with you bro??" She snapped jerking her head to mug the blonde.

"Just leave me alone. Matter a fact take me home. You can go back with, whatever New York bitch in your phone and spend those three days with her." Beyoncé sassed grimacing as she stared out the window.

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