Destined for One Another (29)

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Alizeh's  P.O.V.

"I am sure you saw someone else Zayn." I try to assure my little brother, "It couldnt have been Rehan."

"Api," Zayn said lazily as he took a bite out of his apple, "It was  Rehan Bhai, I  saw him clearly argue with Salman over the new girl. He had  claimed infront of everyone that new girl, was his wife."

Clenching the knife I had in my hand tighter I stopped cutting the onion, I had on the cutting board. "Her name is Mahinoor," I  said through clenched teeth.

Zayn looked over at me bored, "Who cares Api."  He was right, who cared about what her name is, or what she is doing.  . .all I was concerned with was when Rehan would divorce her, and finally ask me to marry him. "Wait, do you know about this?"

"I might have an idea," I said once  again beginning to angrily chop the onion,

"Api, if Baba and Amma find out-"

"Baba and Amma won't find out anything," I cut him off, "Because you  and I won't tell them anything." I say firmly, "Rehan said he had everything handled, and I beleive him."

"Api, if you say the  way he was basically claiming her, you would not be so confident in him." His words made me angrier.  "I think you should let him go."

"No." I snapped, "I  did  not waste two  years of my life, for him to  dump for a stupid girl who is ten years younger than him." Slapping the knife on the board I walked around to stand infront of him. "Rehan is mine," I said through gritted  teeth, "I am not going to let  him go so easily."

Rehan was the key for me to expand my own business as well, I am a part of a well-established company of interior designing, and I am one of the lead designers. With the help of Rehan,  I get more projects and more referrals, he is almost a step to the ladder I want to climb for my success. Of course, there are perks to this relationship, the sex, the gifts, and the endless amount of attention, and love from him. I, on the other hand, well. . .love is an over-statement, and liking would be more of a correct phrase. 

I need Rehan for my own reasons, and he. . well, he just loved me. . simple as that.

Leaning down infront of him, I tilt my head to the  side, "Tell me about this  Salman. . ."

. . .

Mahinoor's P.O.V.

Rehan and I were quietly at Ivy's coffee shop. I played with my coffee cup as he looked out the window. "You still like him don't you?" Rehan asked softly.

"No." I say firmly, looking up at him "He isnt the same Salman that I knew back in Huntsville, Rehan. He has changed and for the worse."

Rehan looked back at me, "Why did you cry then?"

I really didn't know why I cried. Was I crying for the person I knew once or was I crying because of all the sudden changes that were happening in my life? I was also missing home a lot too. Or has been a week now since I left home and I haven't been this far from my family ever. "It's just a lot to take in." I said, "All the change, everything that is going on. I have this constant guilt whenever I talk to Amma and Baba because they think that we are happily living together as a married couple when that is the farthest from the truth. I guess seeing Salman just kinda filled my bucket of patience."

Rehan leaned back taking a sip of his coffee, "Mahi?"


"Do you still want to get a divorce?" His question stunned me for a bit. "I had talked to a divorce lawyer before I had left for Huntsville, but he had said something about waiting two years before we could make a move in that direction otherwise it could hurt your green card situation."

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