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Wedding day.

A few new maids had gotten me ready. Joseph had hired them for me. That felt like a punch to the gut, even if he did not know that I was once doing this job.

My hair was up. I had a very plain long sleeve white dress on. There were little interesting designs on it. My corset underneath was tied so tight today I think they crushed a rib. I slipped my white heels on as well.

I heard a knock on the door. I went over to open it. Steve came in.

"Hi darling. Ladies, you've done great work on her. May we have some privacy?"

They all walked out. I sighed, shutting the door. Steve looked like an angel sent from the heavens above.

"You look very handsome."

"Do I? I feel like I wear the same things to these gatherings."

"Of course not."

He gave me a small smile. "You look nervous."

I gave him a nod. "I'm so scared. I'm gonna be a princess.."

He nodded, playing with the ring on his thumb that he always wore. "Come here."

He pulled me into a hug. I set my head on his chest.

"It will go quick. Soon the day will be over."

I glanced up at him. "How do I fake being a virgin?"

He hummed. "I've thought about this. You know when I always tell you to relax? Tonight, don't."


"Yes. Our nerves will be up anyways from having to consummate."

I nodded. He kissed my lips. "We will be alright. I promise you."

I heard another knock. "It's just me."

Sarah came in. I pulled away from Steve. He rubbed my back, trying his best to calm my visibly nervous body.

"Breathe dear." Sarah said. I couldn't even if I wanted to.

She came over, handing me a satchel. "These are herbs. They help when looking to be with child. I have more in the pantry. You do not have to make it tonight if you are too nervous. Just steep it as tea."

"There are to be no children tonight mother."

"Thank you." I said. She glanced at Steve before nodding at me.

"You have nothing to be afraid of. You made this work. Once this is over, my husband will practically forget you are even here. And I thank you. You made my sons life a lot better. I don't think he would be the man he is today without you."

Steve smiled. I shook my head. "That is a lie. Your son managed that on his own. I think he gets it from his mother."

Sarah smiled. "Perhaps."

Steve gave my cheek a kiss. "Suppose I should leave now before I have an army finding me. I'll see you later darling."

Steve left. I sat down on the bed. "Oh my word I can't hold it in any longer. I'm so scared."

"Oh my dear. It's going to be just fine."

"I just wonder if this is not the right choice. When he becomes king, I will not know how to help him..."

"You know his ups and downs. That's how you help. You'd be there for him. You are his saving grace, love. You literally saved him. He would not have been this gentle without you."

I nodded. "It's not that I tried to fix him. He just loved me and I fell in love back."

"And thank heavens for it. Now you get the opportunity to marry that man. Go take it."


Everett walked with me down the aisle. There were hundreds of people here. I tried my best to not cling to him.

We got up to the front. Everett and I bowed to Steve before he helped me up. Steve stood there, looking at the reverend.

I couldn't hear anything. My ears were ringing. Up until the moment that Steve grabbed the princess's tiara. I curtseyed, letting him put it on my head. He then grabbed our rings. I put the ring on his finger. He slipped mine on.

I caught his eyes. He had a stern expression on. But his eyes were timid.

"Elena Ross, do you take Steven to be your husband?"

"I do."

"Steven Rogers, do you take Elena to be your wife?"

"I do."

"I pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss your princess."

Steve pulled me into a kiss. I set my hand on his arm. Time stopped for those moments with him.

He pulled away. Cheers commenced. My husband held his arm out for me. I took it and walked down the aisle. Once we were out he stopped.

"You alright?"

"Yeah. I think so."

He nodded. "You' are my wife."


He cracked a smile. "We did it."


He did not want to say the words I knew he wanted to say. Instead he gave me a little signal. Three taps of his finger. 'I love you'.

I nodded at him, squeezing his hand. He whisked me away before others started coming out.

I love him.


Steve sat next to me. The room was filled with people feasting. I was far from hungry.

Sarah glanced down at me. My leg was bobbing. Steve hadn't eaten anything either.

She nodded for us to go. I took a deep breath, taking Steve's hand. He walked out with me.

"Wait..just wait a second. Are you alright?"

"Yes. I just want it over with."

"These people have been in this situation before. They aren't there for you to feel worse. I promise you."

I nodded. "As long as it is quick I'll be fine. Do they stay for all of it?"

"No. Just entering you."

"Just knock me out at this point. That way I won't have to remember."

"We will be alright. I will protect you no matter what."

I just had to trust him.

Wait for the Signal: A Royalty Steve Rogers StoryWhere stories live. Discover now