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"My king." A gaurd said as he came into my office.


"Your wife has requested you."

I got up, running to her room. I got in, seeing my wife standing up by the balcony.

I ran over, pulling her into a very tight hug. She hummed, embracing me back.

I pulled away, looking at her. "All better?"

"Yes. So is the child." She said. I nodded, kissing her. She hummed, kissing me back.

I missed her far too much.

She sighed after a few seconds, pulling away.

"I need to see Laura."

"Of course."

We went out, going to find her. She beamed as she saw her mother.


She ran up to her. Elenor pulled her up into her arms.

"Hi darling."

She giggled in her arms. I came over to the both of them. Elenor smiled at me.

I had kissed her so very dearly. The kingdom had been informed that the queen had fallen ill. It was a policy if anyone had been quarantined for more than three nights.

Elenor rested her back on my chest as she held Laura. I was sure she was still weak. It would take a bit to get back to a full recovery.

"You got her?" I whispered in her ear. She nodded.

"Is the kingdom to be informed?"

"Yes. As long as I am aware that you are alright."

"I am. Shall we have an event?" She asked.

"If you are willing. I will wait a bit though. I need to make sure you are fully healed."

She nodded, handing Laura over. I kissed her head, bringing both of my girls in.

"I love you both so much." I whispered. Laura touched my face. I smiled at the both of them.


Seeing Elenor getting ready for bed in our room was so peaceful. I had longed to see her every night that I laid in bed by myself.

"I've missed you." I said. She was brushing her hair out. She gave me a small smile.

"I missed you too. Dearly."

"How is the child?"

"I have felt no discomfort. I am hoping the birth goes smoothly in mere weeks."

"Me too. Come, lay down."

She came over, laying down with me. Her head was on my chest. I gently played with her hair.

"Was Laura alright?"

"She asked for you every single day. My mother helped with her most of the time. She slept in her room just fine every night."

"I felt so guilty not being able to see her."

"Darling. You have no reason to."

She nodded. "Penelope visited me though."

"I am happy you had someone. I truly tried to come often. But everyone said that we could not have two royals dying."

She nodded. "I understand. She was such a wonderful help."

"I want to give her something for it but I will be honest...I do not know her as well as I should. But Matthew and I do not talk as we should either."

"I think you should talk to him more. You have such built up resentment."

"He left for years and caused my mother such doubt. I do resent him. He knew what he did. He was conscious at that age. Yet he chose to follow that path that my father set for him. He could have said no."

"You did not even like him at that age.."

"Well, looking back at the time I was just fine with him dying."


"Those were my feelings then. He was such an awful brother. He would beat me, call me names, and then when I would try to tell my parents they would believe their precious son first. I was weak for a long time."

She played with the strings on my tunic.

"You weren't though. From the time I began working for were not.."

I sighed. "I feel as though I'm weak in many aspects even today. I let the little things eat me alive. Like these dramatics with my brother that were squashed months ago. I mean he helped me save you. That's more than enough to forgive..."

She nodded. "Just...give him some of your time."


"I've missed mere conversations with you." She said. I smiled, pulling her into a soft kiss.

"Me too." I whispered on her lips. She smiled.

"'s kicking."

I pressed my hand on her stomach, feeling our child in there.

"Glad they're alive."

She nodded. "Me too."

I kissed her one last time. "Get some rest."

She laid down with me. For the first night in over a week, I knew that I would sleep.

Wait for the Signal: A Royalty Steve Rogers StoryWhere stories live. Discover now