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Steve gave Laura to me as I got comfortable on my horse. I held her close to my body.

"All good?"

"She's all good."

He nodded, getting on his horse. Bucky had the castle for the next few hours. We were off.

I held Laura to my body as we went into the woods. She gasped as we trotted along.

"Mama. Tree."

"Yeah. Trees."

She giggled. After a bit of a ride, we had made it.

Steve unmounted from his horse, getting Laura. I got off of mine, walking with him.

The cottage was covered in vines. But it was....everything I ever wanted.

I should not see this. It would make me fall in love.

Steve led me in. "This is my little oasis."

"Steve. Darling it's so beautiful."

There was a kitchen. A small bedroom. It was cozy. Steve's drawings were around. He looked at me.

"I don't know. I think I just needed you to see this."

I smiled. "You...Steve it's so perfect. And I cannot look at it."

"Yes you can."

All I could think of was what would've happened if we had ended up deciding to hide here.

I watched as Laura ran through the trees, laughing as Steve chased her. His tunic flew through the wind.

He picked her up, coming over. I smiled, setting my knitting down.

"Hi darling." I said. She smiled.

"Hi mama."

Steve sat next to me. I kissed his soft cheek. I hugged Laura close to me.

"I think I'm going to make that danish you like..."

"Oh how I love you."



"You're so lost in thought."

"I apologize." I said. Laura waddled around the room.

"Home?" She asked.

"No. That's at the castle sweetheart."

She nodded, going to play more. Steve led me to the bedroom, sitting on the bed with me. Laura followed in. I helped her up on the bed. I set my head on Steve's shoulder.

"So is this where you went on nights that I could not find you?"

He sighed. "Yes."

Laura came and sat on my lap. Steve kissed her head. I smiled as he laid back. I did the same. Laura laid on my chest.

"Laura Lynn you just love your mother. Don't you?"

She giggled, hiding her face. "Yeah."

He kissed her head again, smiling at her. She stared at her father with such love in her eyes.

The same look that I would give him.

Steve glanced up at me. "She has your eyes."

I smiled. "Well she gets everything else from you."

"Dada." She said. She reached out, getting close to him. He pulled her curly hair behind her ear.

"I love you so much." He said to her. He did. I knew that.

"And we love mama."

Steve chuckled. "Yes we do."

The only two people that I stayed alive for were the two next to me. Everything I did was for them.

I thought about that time in the library, as it would still haunt me. Sitting there with my daughter. Trying to feed. Trying anything.

On the brink of death.

Even if Steve and I had our ups and downs, he saved me. He saved my life.

He stripped me of my role as a maid. He made me feel like I was even a smidge of a human. He gave me a warm bed and good clothes and food. Hell, from the minute he bought me he saved my life.

"Hungry." Laura said.

"Should we go back and eat?" I asked. She nodded.

Steve smiled. "Let's go."


I sat in the washrooms, letting Laura play in the bubbly water. She splashed around. Her whole body was practically covered in the bubbles. I just smiled as I watched her.

Steve came in, laughing as he saw her. "Oh my goodness." He said. I smiled.

"Brrr." She said.

"Is the water cold?"

She nodded. I grabbed a cup, getting fresh water to wash all of her bubbles off before grabbing a towel and wrapping it around her.

I picked her up, kissing her cheeks. She giggled.

"Read me story?" She asked. I set her on her bed, grabbing her nightgown and underwear. I helped her put them on.

"How about your father?" I asked. I still was not great at reading.

"What am I doing?" He asked. I got her under the covers.

"Reading her a story."

"No. Mama do it."

"I can do it darling." Steve said.

"Nooooo. Mama."

I sighed. "Alright."

Steve gave me a nod. I grabbed a book from the shelf, sitting down on the bed with her.

Steve sat down in the rocking chair. I started to read. Until eventually Laura was fast asleep.

I carefully got out of bed, turning the oil lamp off.

We just the doors to her room. I gave Steve a look.

"I still can't read."

"Yes you can." He said. I gave him a little smile.

"Today was really nice."

"I agree."

I pulled him down into a kiss. He held my cheek, keeping me steady. My hand was on his waist.

"I love you." I said on his lips.

"I love you too."

I truly did.

Wait for the Signal: A Royalty Steve Rogers StoryWhere stories live. Discover now