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"I need my husband! Where is he?!"

I sat in bed with nurses surrounding me. I was in labor.

"Please! Please..."

I heard the door open. Steve ran in. He threw his armor off as quick as possible.

"Hi...hi. I came as quick as I got the message...hey relax."

I felt tears in my eyes. He kissed my forehead.

"You're alright. How is she doing?"

"You came right on time. She's ready to push." A nurse said.

"Yeah? Darling..."

"I cannot do it."

"Yes you can."

"It hurts so bad.."

"Hey, we are meeting the next heir to the throne if you just push." He whispered.

"Alright. Mhm."

"I am right here..."


I held Elenor's hand as she pushed. Nurses guided her. The whole thing was so surreal. I could not even think straight.

And then we heard crying. El let out a tiny sob. I kissed her cheek.

"You did so good my love. So amazing."

"Let's just make sure they're washed up." One nurse said.

"Is it a boy or girl?" Elenor asked.

"It's a beautiful baby princess."

"Boy or girl?!"

I set my hand on her shoulder. "Relax. Hey, you do not need to be yelling."

"It's a girl your highness."

I took a deep breath. Elenor started crying. I sat down on the bed, looking at her.

"No. No. This is just fine. I promise you... I never break my promises."

She nodded. "I wanna see her."

"Let me go get her." I whispered. She nodded.

I came over, picking out now cleaned baby up. She was swaddled up in cloth. I smiled, seeing her chubby little face.

I brought her over, setting her on my wife's chest. Elenor sighed.

"What's her name?" I asked her.

"Laura. Her name was to be Lauren if he was a boy so I suppose Laura."

"She's beautiful. And you're going to be a beautiful mother."

She nodded. "Well this could not have happened without you."

I couldn't help but laugh. She smiled as well.

"You're dirty princess."


"You hungry?"

She nodded. "I suppose I should get some rest too."

"I'll call a nurse back in so the baby can have a bassinet brought in."

"Thank you." She said.

We got her settled. Some nurses helped clean her up before she was set to rest. I walked out, seeing my mother and Matthew sitting.

"Oh gosh. You two didn't need to sit around and wait."

My mother stood up, hugging me. "Everything go alright?"

"A girl." I whispered. My mother tensed, but quickly relaxed.

"That's just fine." She said as she pulled away. "What's her name?"


"Middle name?"

"Oh I hadn't even thought about that. I was just making sure El was alright."

"You've got time. You did the right thing."

"Yeah.. she's resting right now. I was just gonna see if the kitchen could bring her food in an hour."

"Of course. Go."


I laid with Elenor on the bed. She was holding the baby. My arm was behind her as we just stared.

"She's so perfect." I whispered.


She opened her eyes. She only did that maybe once or twice today.

"I suppose I should try to feed her.."

"You nervous?"

"Maybe." She said and smiled.

"Would you rather me leave?"

"No. I want help actually. Just getting the top part of the dress off.."

I helped her out. She let Laura latch on.

"Is it working?" I asked.

"Yeah. It's a very weird feeling though." She whispered. I kissed her head.

"This is what it's like to have a family huh?"

She smiled. "I love you so much."

"I love you too. Oh my mother reminded me, we need a middle name."

"Oh. Yes. Do you have any ideas?"

"Lynn? Laura Lynn Rogers?"

"It's perfect."

She smiled at me. "I cannot tell you how happy I am right now."

I smiled, pecking her lips. "Trust me. I know the feeling."

She rested back on me more. I was so happy to have her here. Just the two of us and our beautiful girl. I needed maybe six more now.

"This is what we dreamed about. Being together. Having children.."

"It's magical. Truly."

"Well. I guess we completed our duties for now. Maybe your father won't talk to me as much."

"I'll make sure of it."

Wait for the Signal: A Royalty Steve Rogers StoryWhere stories live. Discover now