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Steve had left for his room. I was in my night gown and robe. My crown was neatly placed in my room. I had my hair down and brushed out. I left my makeup on. I had to go over there very soon.

I put my slippers on before heading over. I made it to Steve's door, knocking.

He answered right away, giving me a little nod. I walked in, looking at the two men standing there.

Why men? I would've felt safer with a woman.

Steve didn't say a word, he just led me to sit on the bed. He stayed standing, glancing at the men.

"You will not stare at her. She is not something to be watched. Once I am inside of her you leave."

"Yes your majesty."

I tried my best to just wash away any emotion or embarrassment on my face. I carefully took my clothes off.

Steve laid me back on the bed. He moved my legs apart. I watched him spit on his hand, lubricating me. I knew I was not warmed up enough.

He moved his cock inside of me. I jolted a little. I was dry. So dry.

I grabbed his arm. He let out a shaky breath. "Leave." He ordered. I heard the men walk out. He was shaking from head to toe. I rubbed his arm with my thumb until they left. I couldn't look at him though.

Once the door was shut, he pulled out. "Good god."

He handed me my gown. I threw it back on, moving my hair out of my face. I rested my head back on the bed. Steve put his undergarments back on.

"Are you alright?" I asked. He got up, going to pour himself some water. I sat up, watching him. My heart was beating out of my chest. My body was trying its best to stay calm.

"Yes. It's over." He said. He handed me the water. "You on the other hand, are not."

I gave him a stare. "What do you mean?"

"You are not breathing correctly. Do you not even notice?"

My mind caught up a bit. I took a sip of the water. I was in a panic.


He kissed my head. "Don't apologize."

I sat up a little more. My whole body was shaking even more.

"It was not your fault that I was not prepped or anything. I promise. And I did not know how to act so if I looked suspicious I did not mean to I just.."

"El. Breathe. Take a deep breath." He said. He set his hand on my chest.

I put my hand over his. Ins and outs.

"Nothing that you did was wrong." He said. "We can finally rest. Not have to worry."

I nodded. I closed my eyes, focusing on my own heartbeat.

"Are you hungry? I know you did not eat."

"No I'm just exhausted."

He moved beside me on the bed, pulling the covers onto us. I set my head on his chest, relaxing into him.

"Just rest. You're safe.."


I woke up to birds chirping. I glanced beside me, seeing Steve. His arm was draped around my waist. He was fast asleep.

I sat up a little, crawling out of bed. I made sure not to wake Steve.

I went to brush my teeth, brush my hair out, and wash yesterday's makeup off.

Once I had done that, I found my robe, putting it on. I sat down on the couch in Steve's room.

I glanced at the ring. I was married. And a princess.

I had so many emotions. But I did not know how to feel.

Next it would be getting me pregnant. And after that, I would have fulfilled my duty. Birth a boy.

I heard a knock on the door. I wondered who was knocking so early.

Steve shifted. I got up, going to answer it.

Sarah and Joseph stood there. I wrapped my robe over myself more.

"Good morning." Sarah said.

"Steven! Up! We have work to do!" Joseph roared. Steve sat up. I watched Joseph leave.

Sarah walked in, timidly closing the door.

"You look sick my child." She said to me. She pressed her hand against my forehead.

"I..I feel fine."

Steve had went into the bathing chambers. I sat down on the bed. She stared at me.

"What is the matter?" She asked as she sat next to me.

"I'm not sure."

"Are you with child?"

"No. I... I panicked last night. I think I dissociated from my own self."

Steve came out of the chamber, going to change. Sarah walked away, looking at him.

"Come here my love."

He came over. "What's wrong. Are you okay?" He asked, looking at me.

"Im fine Steve."

"Darling. Are you alright after yesterday?"

He swallowed hard. "Yeah. Im fine. I mean now I have to go work with father but.."

"You're not going."

"Mother. You cannot just decide that for father."

"Yes I will. It has been decided. You are both not doing well. I'll have breakfast sent up."

"I did not say anything." I whispered to him. He nodded.

"Whatever. I'm taking her to the woods today."

"Alright. Just be safe."

She kissed both of our heads before leaving.

Steve sat next to me. He laid his body back on the bed. I set my hand on his thigh.

"Steve. You're not alright. Even if you deny it. All day yesterday.."

"I was scared." He admitted.

I laid back with him. He set his head on my shoulder. I kissed his head, feeling his soft hair between my fingers.

"I don't want to alarm you, but we have to get you with child as soon as possible."

"I assumed so."

He kissed my temple. "We will be there together for all of it."

"Yes. I am honestly not too worried about that. We have talked about children before. As long as it's a boy."

"It doesn't matter if it is a boy or girl."

"Tell your father that. I already know.."

"Are you sure you are not pregnant? You seem so off."

"I am not."

"Alright. Well, let's get dressed. We will take Bucky and Natasha out with us. I'll take you horse riding."

"Sounds wonderful."

Wait for the Signal: A Royalty Steve Rogers StoryWhere stories live. Discover now