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"Queen. The king needs you."

I glanced over at Bucky. He had a concerned look on his face.



Five months of being king and queen. Our lives were stressful, but we were getting through it.

I walked out with him.

"What is the matter? Is he hurt? What's wrong..."

Bucky did not say anything.

"James!" I yelled at him.

"I can't speak of it. Leave it alone Elenor." He whispered.

"Do not tell me to leave it alone. I am not to be patronized-"

Bucky led me into Steve's office. Steve glanced up at me.

"Hi love. Sit down."

"There is something up Buckys arse. Fix it-"

"Sit down." He repeated.

I sat down. He glanced at me.

"Doctor Banner was here today. Is there something you would like to tell me?"

"No. I did not see doctor Banner."

He gave me a look.

"James, get out." I said to him. I heard the door close.

"It was a pregnancy test. I hear things Elenor. If you are pregnant you need to-"

"It is not me. It is Natasha. Now hush."


"Steven! She is very upset and did not want anyone knowing yet. They are not wed."

"Then I will make sure they get wed. Lord. I thought it was you."

"I am certain I would tell you first if I even had a hint of a feeling."


"I believe you often forget we are married and tell each other things."

"Oh come on. You would keep that in a heartbeat if you felt as though you might be pregnant."

"I would not. Ever. I would want to tell you. Besides, we have not done it in the past week or so anyways."

He shrugged. "We should get on that."

"You should focus on your duties, husband."

"Not even 'my lord' anymore?" He asked with a smirk.

"You're rotten. We both know I only say it to turn you on."

"It works." He whispered. "Anyways...Nat has not told Bucky?"

"No. Do not speak a word of it."

"I cannot keep a secret."

"Steven. You will keep your mouth shut." I said. He sighed.

"Have you eaten?"

"Yes." I said. "Have you not?"

"No. And I was hoping you hadn't. Because then we could have made something together.."

I sighed. "You just want that apple danish i make. You cannot stop hinting."

"I'll help you. Please..."

I sighed. "Alright. But if we get into trouble."

"We are the highest people here. We are fine."

I nodded.

There were very few things that Steve missed of me when I was his maid. But I think he only missed my cooking.

I rarely did anymore, most of the time to cover my act. But at this point, I did not care.

"We could go to the empty wing and bake it. That way we do not have to bother any of the maids."


I grabbed the items before heading off to the wing that had no one. It was meant for Steve and I, but we did not feel like moving. We had a great room that connected to Laura's. Besides, we did not need any bigger.

"You know this place is empty." Steve said as I set everything in the kitchen.

"We are not doing anything anywhere." I said.

"Why? Just while it bakes."

I rolled my eyes as I added logs to the oven.

"You can peel apples."

He looked at me with a stare. "I...I do not think I know how."

I smiled, bringing him over. I showed him how. He started.

I knew he did not know how to do anything like this. I mean he grew up with someone always doing it for him. But he taught me many things, so I might as well return the favor.

I taught him to cut the apples, knead the dough, and get everything together.

"This is quite soothing actually." He said as he helped me finish with sugar on top.

"I'm glad. You need to relax once in a while." I said. "And with that, it can go in the oven." I said. He put it in.

"How long?"

"I just check it at random times." I said.

"So we can just have intercourse right here and check it through every round." He said. He came over and kissed me. I giggled.

"No. Anyone could come through here."

"Come on. The closet? The hallway...anything. I beg."

"You are rotten Steve."


"Come on." I whispered. I took him to a random linen closet. He gave me a smile.

"I miss being sneaky." He said.

"Do you?"

He nodded. "It felt more of a fairytale."

My heart hurt a bit when he said that. He was right. We were more of a fairytale long ago.

I moved to kiss him. It was gentle. He pulled away.

"What was that...why.."


"That was so....not lustful. It was heartfelt. What's the matter?"

I smiled. "You seem to get me into my own head quite often."

He stared into my eyes. "No I don't."

"Yes you do steven. Every single sentence that you speak to me I think of. I truly do."

I rubbed his cheek. He gave me a small smile.

"Now I do not feel like mauling you in a closet. God you ruined me." He said. I rolled my eyes.

"Just come to bed tonight. You can have me respectfully there. That way I can take care of you after."

"No. I'll be taking care of you."

"Whatever you want."

He sighed, kissing me. I set my hand on his waist. He was so warm. I only wanted his embrace. Nothing else.

He pulled away, looking into my eyes. "So I know I've talked of living in the woods, but I have never shown you the cottage."


"One night should not hurt. We could go see it."

"You truly want to?" I asked.

"I'd love to. We need some time out. We could perhaps take Laura with us."

I nodded. "Alright."

He smiled. "I love you."

"I love you too my lord."

He kissed my cheek. Everything was good when he was around.

Wait for the Signal: A Royalty Steve Rogers StoryWhere stories live. Discover now