Raj- 28th November 2023

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Raj- 28th November 2023

Today marks the exact 11th anniversary of a pivotal moment in our lives. A day etched in my memory, where Karishma, Rahul, Harita, and I engaged in a conversation that, little did I know, would shape the course of our friendships. From that day until the august of the following year in 2013, a subtle transformation occurred within our close-knit group. Rahul, once an integral part of our collective camaraderie, began to drift away, seemingly tethered only to Karishma. Unbeknownst to us, this change in dynamics became the precursor to a series of unfortunate events.

As the months unfolded, it became apparent that Anjali, fueled by some unseen resentment, orchestrated a sinister plan that shattered the longstanding bond between Rahul and Karishma. The heart-wrenching aspect was Rahul's choice to believe Anjali's narrative over Karishma's, leaving us all helpless witnesses to the demise of a cherished friendship. Strangely, my own affection for Anjali blinded me to the truth, and I found myself unable to intervene.

Fast forward to 2014, and the consequences of Anjali's actions manifested in a version of Rahul I could never have envisioned. He not only distanced himself from friends but also erected emotional walls between himself and his family, driven by the fear of causing them pain. Anjali, rather than relenting, continued to tighten her grip on Rahul, meeting him regularly and exacerbating his isolation.

Despite my lingering love for Anjali, a realization has dawned upon me. It is imperative to reunite Rahul and Karishma, to unveil the truth and bring justice to their fractured relationship. Even though Rahul perceives Karishma as the betrayer, the reality is quite the opposite. The challenge now is to find Karishma and facilitate the reunion that destiny intended.

On this special occasion of their 11th meeting anniversary, my fervent hope is to locate Karishma and set the wheels in motion for reconciliation. Love may still reside for Anjali within me, but the greater love lies in rekindling the match that fate has woven. Today, I embark on a mission to reunite friends, to uncover the truth, and to steer Rahul towards a path of healing and understanding.

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