Unseen Threads

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Unseen Threads

Karishma awoke, her eyes adjusting to the gentle light around her. It felt as if she had just surfaced after years of being submerged. Confusion clouded her mind; the last thing she remembered was grappling with a complex trigonometric identity, lost in the intricacies of math. How did she end up in a hospital bed with a steady flow of glucose? Her gaze shifted to the door, which creaked open with a sound that resonated in the quiet room. In walked Atirma, Raj, and Rahul. Questions flooded her mind like a torrent. Why were they here? Especially Rahul—did he genuinely care about her well-being? And Raj, why was he present? The room's atmosphere seemed odd, and something felt off. Strangely, all three of them appeared to be in their twenties, adding to Karishma's confusion. Why don't they look like the last time she had seen them? The puzzle pieces of reality weren't fitting together, and Karishma couldn't comprehend the bizarre circumstances surrounding her. As she tried to make sense of the situation, a sharp pain pounded in her head, almost as if her thoughts triggered it. The room spun, and a veil of darkness descended, enveloping her once again.

"Raj, I think you and Rahul should wait outside? She must be confused? God knows she has lost the memory of how many years."

"But" as Rahul muttered, Atirma glared at him silencing him and Raj gave her an assuring look.

"Raj, this is not fair, I met Karishma after 10 years. I want to patch up with her, I want to talk to her, its not fair, I-I" Rahul was then cut short by a girl with short black hair and a baggy t-shirt and leggings.

"Mr.Khanna, let me remind you that you have lost all the rights 10 years ago, when you walked away from her."

"You are right, neither does Rahul nor Raj have the rights to be here." Hissed another girl with long blond hair and designer clothes.

Rahul's eyes welled up with tears, reflecting a mix of emotions—perhaps regret, sorrow, or a realization of something profound. On the other hand, Raj's head hung low, weighed down by shame and regret. The gravity of the situation sank in as his eyes, too, filled with tears, acknowledging the undeniable truth in the girl's words. As the girl spoke, it became evident to Raj that her words carried an uncomfortable truth that couldn't be ignored. The air in the room grew heavy with the weight of unspoken revelations. Yet, amid the emotional turmoil, a nagging question lingered in Raj's mind: who were these girls? They felt strangely familiar, like ghosts from a forgotten past, their identities shrouded in the haze of memory. "Nishika, Swetha oh my god you guys are here!!" Atirma said as a smile took over her face. Its been 3.5 years since they met.

"How come you guys are here?" Atirma gave them a questioning look.

"Well, I have been invited for the Indian business award ceremony." Swetha said.

"And I work here as a corporate lawyer for Bruno group of industries." Nishika chirped.

As Atirma mouthed an oh her eyes clearly showed respect and admiration for them, they had achieved what they wanted to and are successful wherever they are. Just a few more years, she would also be there.

"Raj, I think you and Rahul should go back home we are here for her, also Rahul take that bag with you." Atirma said.

"Moreover, you guys don't deserve to be around her." Nishika hissed.

As Raj and Rahul rose to depart, Atirma conveyed a silent plea through her eyes, urging Raj to ensure Rahul's well-being. In that exchange of glances, a deep sense of care and concern was evident, a shared understanding of the complexities that surrounded Rahul. Despite the tensions and the weight of past actions, Raj held no resentment towards Rahul. He recognized that whatever had transpired wasn't solely Rahul's fault. Atirma, though harboring some disdain for him, understood that Rahul likely had his own reasons for his actions, acknowledging the nuances of his character. She recognized him as an understanding and mature individual, capable of deeper reasoning. As the two friends prepared to leave, Rahul, mindful of the details, didn't overlook the small act of picking up Karishma's bag. It was a subtle gesture that spoke volumes about his underlying concern and consideration in the midst of the complex emotions swirling around them. "Where is Karishma? How is she? How did it happen? Who was responsible? Can we meet her? Oii, Atirma why aren't you answering?" Nishika shot her with questions. All three of them shared only 1 year of bond with Karishma or much less except for Atirma whose school Karishma was in.

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