Broken Promises and Unspoken Fears

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Broken Promises and Unspoken Fears

"Raj, what is this.... can...n't b..e K..kari..shma, no it can't be Karishma, it can't be her, tell me it's not her"

"Rahul, Rahul be strong. Karishma's pulse is still there, you can feel. Calm down, Atirma is on her way. I have already called the Ambulance."

As Rahul bends down and holds Karishma's hand, Karishma just stares at him and gives a smile, an arrogant smile.

"R..ra.hul,, I.....I...I...k..e...ptt mmmmyy pppro..mise..I..I..d.i..ddn't br..e.a..k un..un..lik...e...y..ou"

Rahul's heart wrenched as he involuntarily flinched at her words, and in that moment, he instinctively closed his eyes. The weight of her truth settled heavily on him, acknowledging the harsh reality she had laid bare. Deep down, he understood that even if she were to leave this world, it would not be a deliberate act but an unfortunate accident, she would have kept her promise. The painful realization gnawed at him, for he had failed to uphold his solemn vow—the promise to stand faithfully by her side for all eternity. The gravity of his broken commitment echoed in the silent spaces between them, casting a shadow over the once unbreakable bond they shared.

"Karishma trust me, how many ever pieces you feel you have been broken into 100, 1000, 10000, million, billion, trillion, whatever the number is, I'll always be there for you."

The moment Rahul's eyes fluttered open, a somber exchange occurred as Karishma, in response, closed hers. A palpable tension filled the air, and Raj, desperate for any sign of life, gently tapped Karishma's cheeks in a futile attempt to coax her back to consciousness. Despite his persistent efforts, she remained unresponsive, her stillness casting a foreboding shadow over the unfolding situation. In the backdrop of this disheartening scene, the wailing sirens of the ambulance resonated, signaling the arrival of much-needed medical aid. Efficient paramedics swiftly shifted Karishma's inert form onto a stretcher, and with a sense of urgency, Rahul and Raj joined her in the ambulance, which raced towards the hospital, navigating the maze of city streets with a fervent hope for a glimmer of recovery in the face of uncertainty.

The stretcher sped urgently towards the operation theatre, a lifeline between life and the impending surgery that aimed to reclaim Karishma's consciousness. In the cold and sterile corridors of the hospital, the gravity of the situation hung thick in the air, acknowledging the grim reality that her chances of survival were precariously slim. As medical professionals prepared to embark on a desperate battle against time, the weight of uncertainty pressed heavily on everyone involved. Rahul, lost in the labyrinth of his own thoughts, moved mechanically, his gaze fixed on an unknown horizon. Meanwhile, Raj, unable to contain his nervous energy, paced anxiously, each step echoing the silent plea for a miracle. Amidst this turmoil, Atirma, a beacon of support, arrived at the hospital, her presence bringing a semblance of hope to the disquiet that enveloped the waiting room.

 Amidst this turmoil, Atirma, a beacon of support, arrived at the hospital, her presence bringing a semblance of hope to the disquiet that enveloped the waiting room

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You can imagine anyone as Atirma

"I firmly believe in the profound truth that hard work indeed reaps rewards. It has forever been my unwavering aspiration to don the mantle of a neurosurgeon, and as I find myself on the precipice of realizing that dream, the sheer elation within me is indescribable."

- Atirma

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