Unveiling Memories Amidst Turmoil

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Unveiling Memories Amidst Turmoil

As Atirma hastens towards the hospital, the palpable tension in the air draws her attention to Raj, who paces nervously with an apprehensive energy. Swiftly closing the distance, she runs towards him, a concerned ally in the face of the unfolding crisis. However, her compassionate gaze inadvertently lands on another figure—a man in formals with conspicuous stains of blood on his shirt. She averts her eyes, recognizing him as the source of Karishma's torment, the one who had turned her life into a harrowing ordeal. Despite the stoic facade maintained by Atirma and Karishma's other two friends, an unspoken acknowledgment lingers beneath the surface—a tacit understanding of the pain Karishma endured. They chose not to delve into her anguish, fearing that acknowledgment might either anchor her to the torment or propel her into releasing the toxic presence. Towards the end, Karishma ceased speaking about him aloud, but the haunting echoes of her silent suffering persisted in the depths of her expressive eyes. "Raj, where is Karishma and how is she now?"

"Atirma, oh my god, I am so glad you are here. Karishma is in there", Raj said pointing towards the operation theatre.

Atirma, faced with the gravity of the situation, maintained a solemn silence, her gaze fixed unwaveringly on the closed doors of the operation theatre. The weight of the possibilities loomed large in her mind, a daunting prospect that even her future as a doctor could not shield her from. Despite the inevitability of encountering such scenarios in her medical career, the personal stakes heightened her fear, rendering her momentarily vulnerable. In the face of her friend's ordeal, all the theoretical knowledge and clinical detachment seemed to dissipate, leaving her with a profound sense of trepidation. In that tense moment, all Atirma could muster was a silent prayer, an earnest plea to a higher power for guidance and a favourable outcome.

"Atirma", Rahul said

"Raj, look I am sorry but can you please tell Rahul that it would be appreciated if he doesn't try to have any conversation with me."

"Rahul, no don't talk. Atirma, I found this diary in her bag, I think you should have it, you are her friend and you know everything that has happened in these years, it would not be right for me to keep it."

"Raj, what are you saying? My question was how did you meet Karishma, from the past 6 years Me, Shweta and Nishika have tried reaching her but none of us could connect with her. She cut herself from everyone. I haven't spoken to her and I don't know anything about what she has faced."

"Karishma cut herself from everyone?"

"That was the reason I did not believe when you told about the accident."

When this conversation was happening, the urgent call of duty echoed through the hospital corridors as the nurses swiftly emerged from the operating room, a determined urgency in their steps. Their collective focus directed them towards the vital hub of the hospital – the blood bank. The gravity of Karishma's condition hung in the air, a silent plea for the life-giving essence that she desperately needed. She had endured a significant loss of blood, and the situation demanded immediate replenishment. In a seamless ballet of medical expertise, the nurses, driven by the imperatives of time and life, hurriedly navigated the hospital's bustling landscape to secure the precious resource that could be the key to Karishma's survival.

Two and a half agonizing hours had elapsed since Atirma's arrival, each passing minute etching an indelible mark of suspense on their anxious hearts. The anticipation hung thick in the air as the sterile lights of the operation theatre finally extinguished, casting a momentary darkness that seemed to encapsulate the weight of the entire ordeal. With a shared sense of urgency, all three—Rahul, Raj, and Atirma—rushed towards the operation theatre, their collective hope rising like a silent crescendo in the hushed corridors. The flickering lights had served as a temporal guide through the surgical odyssey, and now, as they neared the theatre, a palpable tension filled the air, carrying with it the collective prayers for a positive prognosis from the awaiting doctor.

"She has survived but.."

Before the doctor could proceed with further details, an exuberant burst of joy manifested in Raj, who couldn't contain his elation and started jumping with unbridled happiness. Rahul, wearing a contented smile on his face, shared in the relief that filled the room. However, amidst the jubilation, Atirma, discerning a subtler undercurrent, keenly picked up on the unspoken "but" that lingered in the air. With a composed demeanor, she politely intervened, requesting the doctor to continue, her astute awareness sensing that the full picture was yet to unfold.

"But in cases like these, its possible for the patient to slip into retrograde amnesia", Saying this the doctor left

"Retrograde Amnesia?" Raj questioned.

"Meaning she would have lost her memory of the past few years...." Atirma barely whispered.

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