Unveiling Sentiments

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Unveiling Sentiments

Rahul breaking from his trance decided to continue reading her diary when he was greeted by a call, Anjali it said. He decided to ditch the call and caught hold of the diary keeping it close to his heart. He opened the next page.

28th November 2012  12:03 am

Dear Diary,

I am sadly going to accept the happy fact that I truly enjoyed the trip. Thanks to Bua and that stupid, Idiotic gadha Rahul.... By the way, Mom and Dad came to pick me up at 11:23pm cuz they were apparently celebrating their anniversary. Thanks to Romel sir and Rahul's idea I was genuinely enjoying the time till my parents came to pick me up. Rahul's mom and dad took me to this fancy restaurant right next to my apartment and treated me with hell lot of food. His parents are the best.... Ok I need to shut up cuz I am planning to attend school tomorrow even though it is not compulsory cuz I feel like tomorrow might change my life.



He felt happy that Karishma liked his parents. It was good to know that she truly enjoyed his company throughout the trip and also his parents. She never acknowledged all of these facts. He decided to flip to the next page.

28th November 9:27pm

Dear Diary,

Till this morning I appreciated that Rahul, gadha turned out to be a real gadha. How dare he? How the hell does he. Today, I was taking to Harita when I noticed Rahul and Raj enter.. I gave them a quick smile when they flashed bright smiles at me.... They joined the conversation after which Raj and me kept smiling at each other, winking our eyes and laughing. We both knew how much Harita was struggling for she nursed a profound crush for Rahul. Rahul was unaware of this until Raj decided to take him to the restroom and explain everything. I was explaining Harita on how to behave with Rahul and she kept nodding. Rahul came back and started talking about what all disgusting things happen in the washroom and drew some weird diagrams on the table explaining all this making me scrunch my nose in disgust. I glared at him and he decided to shut up. During lunch break when we were walking through the corridor he told that I talk to Anwesha ma'am every lunch break cuz I have no friends... How dare he? How the hell... I want to burn him alive. If my relationship with Harita is not considered friendship then what else is? I decided to ignore him the rest of the day cuz I hate gadhas. I-..... Ok good night



Rahul sighed, this little line affected her so much? He knew she did not like it but then he never thought it would hurt to such an extent that she would write it in her diary. If this line affected her to this extent then what about the later behaviours of his. It would have killed her internally. Now there is no doubt that he wa the primary reason for her to wake up to such dreams as the one mentioned on that paper.


Raj who was lost in deep sleep received a call. It was Anjali, Raj slightly blushed and smiled because Anjali never called him. Is her obsession with Rahul over? Did she stop hating Karishma? Did she finally fall in love with him? Was she calling to propose? Were they going to date? Like be a thing? Questions flooded his mind and he cleared his throat to sound manly.

"Hello?" Raj said.

"To hell with your Hello, why did you not inform me? Did you think I was that insensitive? We could have done something." Anjali voice almost blasted his ear drums.

"Its ok now that you realized your feelings, you know we can start all over again." Raj said smiling.

"Are you mad? Like out of your mind? What's up with you?" Anjali sounded pissed.

"Huh?" Raj was confused

"Karishma met with an accident, you guys went to the hospital and did not bother informing me. I would have been there for Rahul." Anjali sounded falsely vulnerable.

"Rahul, Rahul, Rahul.... Bro Anjali go get a life. I don't get your obsession with him. Guy does not like you that way, so whatever you do will make the situation worse. Just shut up and stop doing this drama ok." Saying this Raj cut the call.

Anjali here ended up crying, those were not crocodile tears, those were real ones.... Raj never spoke so rudely to her, it hurt her weirdly? She sobbed hard and closed her eyes when sleep overtook her sadness.

Raj was not happy with himself for behaving so harsh. She would have felt hurt when he said Rahul does not like her but what could be done, it was true that Rahul liked her but just as a friend and not the way he expected him to like her. 

Gosh wht is happening right?

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