Unsaid emotions

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Unsaid emotions

Raj, Rahul and Anjali had a sleepless night meanwhile Karishma had the most peaceful sleep after a long time. Raj regretted for saying that Rahul would not like her, Anjali was hurt by Raj's behaviour, Rahul felt bad as Karishma was a person he knew was extremely sensitively yet hurt her while Karishma was happy as all of her friends are still with her. Rahul decided to go meet Karishma in the afternoon the next day.

The alarm rang right near Rahul's ears forcing him to get off the bed. After brushing his teeth he decided to continue reading the diary

4th December 2012 6:17pm

Dear Diary,

Rahul dared to say that to me, that I have no friends and yet he blamed it on Raj and Raj was spineless enough to nod his head and take the blame. Idiots. I decided to tell Rahul everything, everything that has happened wit my life. How my parents treated me, how I was hurt and what my life is. I could see his eyes tearing up.On the first day that is 2nd poor guy missed his lunch break to listen to me. Anwesha ma'am smiled at me continuously. I told him only about how I was treated at school and guy got emotional. Today when I went to his class early in the morning as per his orders, the aunty who was cleaning the classrooms demanded us to move out. We stood in the corridors, our backs and legs to the wall and us looking at each other and me blabbering about my life. He actively listened as though he wanted to write a book about me and even squeezed my hands, gave an assuring look and promised to always be there irrespective of whatever happens. I could not help but smile. In the mean time, Harita who was near the window of my class gave me death glares. Wondering why dear diary? There are 2 major reasons, 1. Jealousy and 2. He petty fight we had. I ditched all that, greeted Lothika ma'am and Anwesha ma'am who smiled at us. I continued with my oh so sad story, until every girl who drooled over him passed by while throwing a disgusting look at me and each friend of Rahul smiling at us. Its funny how I started opening up to a stranger and gadha like him. Bye, I have to go cuz mummy is calling me and I don't wanna face her wrath.



Rahul's POV

As I read through this particular entry I could not help but acknowledge the fact that she was indeed a very strong individual. Dealing with family problems, school problems alongside that idiotic teen days was a big deal. The way Atharv and Arjun specifically behaved with her was heart breaking. The cuss words they called her with and the way the physically pushed her and hurt her brings tears o my even today. Those were still trivial things, Harita fought over small things like Karishma spending a few moments with Ishita and Akshaya instead of their group and jealousy would deeply hurt anyone. These were still fine but her family. How could the physically torture her, she was a 14 year old that time, beating her, burning her asking her to do the chores and study balancing that with her toxic parents who fought over petty things and violently hit each other demanded for divorce was too much for me to handle. These are still minute details over time I learned about her uncle who physically abused her when she was young and constantly behaved like a perv*t ran like a sharp knife stabbing my heart. I.....

End of Rahul's POV.

Rahul opened the next page...

9th December 2012 11:58pm

Dear Diary,

Guess what happened today, my mind was blown..... Rahul asked for my number so that we could have call, sms and message each other.... Weird isn't it. I have this old and tiny nokia phone meanwhile Rahul has android but who cares... I told him about that and he said that would not be a problem. I am going to be messaging for the first time. Good night, I can't get over the happiness.



12th December 2012 9:56pm

Dear Diary,

My mom and dad who are oh so in love with each other decided to go to native. It was a decision made on 10th and I did not have time to inform you. Yes, yes Rahul already knows about this. We even messaged, I'll write it here. I am in the train right now so don't mind my handwriting.

You- I got into the train just on time, to be very honest.... I almost missed it, it started moving when Prajith got in and he was the last one to get in.

Rahul- You should have missed it, I mean you could have kept coming to school.

You- Hmm

Rahul- Also, if you ever feel you are getting insecure with people then remember you do not need to be with me like that, remind yourself that because I saw the way you were fidgeting with that pen when we were talking.

You- Ok

Rahul- Anyway, I have to go... byee.

You- Byee

Rahul- Message me when you have decided when to leave.

You- Stupid, I don't have the liberty to take that decision you know that, I am not considered a person.

Rahul- Chal, chal, mujhe movie dekhne de... byee

You- Ull uke patthe, bye

Rahul- Whatever

Anyway I need to sleep because my oh so caring parents are staring at me.

Good night.



2nd January 2013 11:59pm

Dear Diary,

I can't believe what I heard. I already told Rahul about my arrival but was sure he would have forgotten so I decided to surprise him. I went to his class and heard few boys conversing something.

Nirup- But one thing i didnt understand is y u and arjun are being, I mean what exactly did Karishma say.

Ishaan- Bro that technically aint even bullying, bullying is done over a lot of days over a long time


Ishaan-Thats just called dissing

Atharv -SHE HAD A MENTAL BREAKDOWN she told that to ma'am before vanishing the other day

Nirup- bro logics

Ishaan -bro

Atharv - no bro I just said I agree

Nirup- ok maybe shes sensitive which is fine but these guys didnt do anything

Atharv -nah bro everyone in the class hates me

Rahul-Guys, learn to shut up ok. Atharv she did not vanish, she had to go to her native because of some family emergency. Its not under ones control.

I ran from there as tears ran uncontrollably from my eyes and went towards the ground. I was deeply breathing when I felt a pair of arms giving me a back hug, I sobbed hard, why is it always me but Rahul pulled out of the hug and came right in front of me and smiled his eyes glistening with tears. He stretched his hands indicating me to hug him and I did what my heart wanted me to do. I hugged him tightly and sobbed my heart out. Today on my way back home, I realised I might be nursing a tiny crush or maybe love for him in my heart. How could someone be so caring, oho my heart.



Rahul's POV

She realized it much before I could even process all this. I should have realized it that day, I ignored every girl drooling over me, heads over heels in love with me and wanted to hug her. What did that mean? It did mean something which I termed as sympathy and affection back then but then it is not true. It did mean love, it definitely did. I was in love with her back then itself and so was she. Both were fools to not accept it and confess... I mean- gosh I can't believe all this. I want her in my arms even today.... I love her so much.

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