Chapter 37

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Matt's P.O.V.

I can't believe that Sarah actually said yes!
I've tried so hard for her to say yes and she finally did.

"Wait, really?" I asked Sarah.

"Yes I'll be our girlfriend." Sarah laughed.

"But I never thought you'd say yes." I said.

"Well you were wrong, now can we please get out of the water? I'm freezing!" She said shivering.

"Oh come here." I walked through the water to her and put my arms around her.

"Better?" I asked.

"Much better." She smiled.

I smiled too and thought about what to do next. Should I kiss her? I mean we've kissed many times before so why not?

I turned her so that she was now facing me.

"What are you doing? I liked it better when our were behind me." She frowned.

"You'll like this more. Trust me." I said.

She gave in and looked me in the eyes waiting for something to happen.

I took this opportunity and leaned in. She leaned in also and we kissed.

It was slow at first and filled with passion.

Then I quickened the pace. I roughly attacked her lips with mine and moved my arms down to her butt.

She got the idea and jumped onto my waist.

Since we were in water she was super light.

She tugged at my hair and I let out a little moan.

She pulled away and laughed.

"What are you laughing at?" I asked sad that the kiss was over.

"You! Your hilarious." She said laughing.

"What? What did I do?" I asked confused.

"You moaned! It just sounded funny!" She said.

"I don't understand what was so funny about it... How'd it sound?" I smirked.

"Like this..." She let out a mocking moan and then laughed.

"That's not at all what I sounded like. Have you never heard someone moan?" I asked raising my eyebrows.

"I just did not too long ago, remember?" She smiled rein. To keep her laughs in.

I dropped her in the water and walked away.

"Oh Matt, come on don't be this way. I was kidding!" She yelled.

I just kept walking and sat down.

She came over and sat on my lap.

Sarah's P.O.V.

I walked over to Matt and sat on his lap hoping that he would lighten up.

He wrapped his arms around my stomach and rested his head on my shoulder.

"Ew you smell like gross water!" He exclaimed.

"Then get your head off my back!" I said trying to get out of his grip.

He just tightened his grip and stood up.

"Hey that's not nice! I was comfortable!" I pouted.

"Too bad." He said setting me on a near by picnic table.

He came in between my legs and kissed my neck.

I couldn't help but laugh. But I kept it in because Matt wouldn't like me laughing at him.

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