Chapter 38

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Sarah's P.O.V.

I got out of the shower and wrapped a towel around my waist and my hair.

I brushed my teeth and then went to my dresser to get pajamas.

I checked my phone and saw another message from Matt.

M- call me when you get out of the shower...

I don't really know what that means, is it in a bad way? Or does he just want to talk?

I pressed on his contact and put my phone on speaker so I could get dressed.

After a few rings he answered.

M-" hey princes, how was your shower?"

S- "I told you to never call me that. And it was good."

M- "next time can I please join?"

S- "hell no!"

M- "why not?"

S- "I'm hanging up!"

M- "no! Wait... Uh so did Lilly text you?"

S- "yeah, it was about some party. But I don't want to go."

M- "well fuck, I was hoping that we could go together."

S- "Matt... You know I hate parties. And I hate being around drunk people."

M- "drunk people are the best! They're the easiest to mess with."

S- "I'll remember that the next time your drunk."

M- "can't wait for the day when you get drunk."

S- "I'm hanging up now!"

M- "wait! Please will you go to the party with me? It's at Cameron's house. Please!!!!! I promise you that I won't get drunk. I'll only have a few drinks."

S- "how bout you have no drinks and you have yourself a deal."

M- "anything to get you to go. Night princess."

S- "mattthew!"

M- "princess I have to go."

After that he hung up.

I absolutely hate when he calls me that.

I heard a knock on my door and opened it.

"Josh? What do you want?" I asked letting him in.

"Your not thinking about going to Cameron's party are you?" He asked.

"Well I don't want to but I probably am. Why?" I asked.

"Cause I'm going and I don't want you there." He said.

"But your gonna be a senior. Why do you want to go to a juniors party?" I asked.

"Because a lot of my friends hook you youngsters up with alcohol and stuff. So I basically am the reason for a good party"

"Whatever. I'm going." I said and pushed him out of my room.

"Night... Princess." Josh said through my closed door.

"Why the fuck were you listening to my conversation?" I reopened the door.

"Hush! You shouldn't talk that way. Your too young." He said walking away.

"You didn't answer my question!" I yelled.

"Sarah! Rachel and Justine are trying to sleep!" My mom said.

I rolled my eyes and went to bed.

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