Chapter 1

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Sarah p.o.v.

"You may now kiss the bride..." Cheers were cheered, awes were awed. I couldn't have been happier for my older sister today. Today was the day that she's dreamed of her whole life. My sisters and I would always play wedding when we were younger and we would have our brothers be the groom and best man. When my oldest sister finally was living out her dream wedding, today, made me think of all the times when we were all so happy and we lived a carefree life. I guess I shouldn't bring up my story today, or at least right now because today is my sister's big day!

Let me start off by introducing myself, my name is Sarah and I have hazel eyes and long medium brown hair. I'm not very talk 5'3 - 5'4 maybe. I don't have many friends, or real friends I should say. My best friend in the whole world is Anna. I don't know what I would do without her.

My sisters name is Lucy and her now husband's name is John. They make the cutest couple ever! They were still pretty young... Getting married right after college would not be the way that I would go... But... Whatever.

My sisters are all beautiful and then there's me. They all have the most gorgeous eyes, the color of the sky... While I'm stuck with boring hazel eyes. I used to love my eye color. I thought It was the unique one in my family. But after one day I hated everything about myself. Even my unique eye color.

Anyways back to the wedding.

-------- reception--------

"Lucy congratulations!!!" That's all I heard from everyone. That and stuff like "I can't wait till you and John have a baby!" That comment kinda shocked me. I haven't even thought of the fact that my sister can now be a mother.

I was sitting alone in the back of the little reception room when I saw someone that I dreaded to see...

I quickly ran over to Lucy, but she was busy talking to her friends and some of my cousins. I ran to my other older sister Catherine. NI'm the middle child so I have 3 older siblings and 3 younger siblings. We have a really big family.

" Catherine, why is Matthew here???" I asked her in a kinda loud whisper.

"His whole family's here." She replied

"WHAT?" I practically screamed in her face.

"Yea, you know, just because you guys aren't friends anymore doesn't mean that Lucy can't be friends with his brothers or sister." She replied again but a little more annoyed now.

"Ugh... Just don't tell Matthew that I'm here." I told her.

"Ok but what if he asks?"

"Just tell him that I was sick or something and had to leave early, but I doubt he'll talk to you." I said and walked back to the back of the reception.

It was now the part of the wedding reception where the dance floor is open and almost everyone was dancing. I treys my best to stay away from Matthew the best I could and I'd say that I'm doing a pretty good job. Well ok so I've been on my phone texting my best friend Anna the whole time. She couldn't make it to the reception but she did come to the wedding.

"Now we would like only the wedding party to step out on the dance floor." The announcer guy said. Why is my uncle so annoying some times. I mean he knows how much I hate dancing in front of everyone.

I put down my phone and my purse and walked to the dance floor to dance with my sisters Lucy and Catherine. Catherine and I were the only ones in our family to be the bridesmaids and every other bridesmaid were Lucy's friends.

Catherine had left to go get something to drink so I decided that I would go back to my phone. I feel kinda bad for not being more of a part of the wedding and all but... I think that it's pretty much all covered.

I was texting Anna when all of a sudden I see someone standing in front of me... It was Matthew, of course he'd find me.

"Hey, uh, Sarah... Ummm..." Matthew started, "yea I don't really know anyone here and my mom kinda made me come..."

"Oh, so now you talk to me..." I interrupted him, "why do you all of a sudden talk to me when no ones around but when were at school you totally ignore me and make fun of everyone?"

"Well Sarah, if you really want to know..."

"Yes I actually do."

"Well I came over here to tell you that this was a really fun wedding and..."

"Matthew don't tell me that this was a fun wedding tell my sister... She's the one getting married here!" I slightly mumbled the last part.

"Yea. Ok well see ya in school Sarah." He smirked at me and walked away.

Ugh. Why is he so weird? We used to be best friends. But then highschool came around and everyone kinda parted their own ways. We were so close, always by each others side. And that how it always was since preschool.

And that's how things were always supposed to be. Things change And sometimes it's not in a good way. Matthew (I refuse to call him Matt) turned on me on the first week of highschool.

He joined the football team and completely forgot about me. I don't know why but he did. I don't know if it was something someone said, or if he thought it was weird to have a girl as a best friend.

But what really hurt the most was when homecoming came around and Matthew took some random girl to the dance. Of course by then it was 2 months later and I always had Anna by my side. Anna, Matthew, and I were all really good friends. but Anna moved here in 5th grade so Matthew and I were way closer.

"Sarah, can we please dance?" Asked my little sister Rachel. Rachel is 9 and I admire her so much for her carefree life.

"Ugh Rach, my feet are killing me right now, go ask Justin. Justin is my other little brother he and Rachel are twins.

"Awwww... Ok fine." With that Rachel walked away.

Ok now I just have to get through the rest of the night without talking or making eye contact with Matthew and I should be good.

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