Chapter 7

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Toby's p.o.v.

"Toby... Truth or dare?" Nash said.

I thought about picking dare so it doesn't seem like I'm a wimp.

But then I thought about what crazy dare they would make me do.

"Truth!" I answered.

"Oh come in!" Nash said.

"Nope. I picked truth!" I replied.

"Ok, ok, uh... Who outta the group would you make out with?" Nash replied happily.

"Wait, huh? Uh... I guess, li..." I started but was cut off by Lilly.

"Ok next!" Lilly said quickly.

Huh, I though she liked me too! Guess not, or she wouldn't have cut me off.

"Ok then, Toby your turn." Nash said confused.

"Ok, uh... Carter, truth or..." I started. Damn everyone's just cutting me off today.

"Dare duh!!!" Carter yelled jumping outta his seat.

"Ok, uh I dare you and Anna to go 'walk' around corner for ten minutes." I said.

"Ok!" Carter said pulling Anna by the hand.

Sarah's p.o.v.

While Anna and Carter were gone for '10' minutes, we continued with the game.

"Ok, since Anna and Carter are probably not coming back, should we stop?" Aaron said.

"No! Keep the game going! Nothing really has happened." Matthew said for the first time in a while.

"Fine then, Matt truth or dare?" Arron said.

"Dare!" He said leaning his elbows on his knees.

"I dare you to... Kiss... Lilly!" Arron said satisfied with his dare.

You could see the look of concern in both Toby and Lilly's eyes as they looked at each other.

"Ok! That's lame! Give me something else!" Matthew demanded.

"Uh, no way! A dares a dare! You've said that so many times!" Arron said.

"Ugh, fine." Matthew walked over to Lilly and took her hand and dragged her somewhere.

"Hey Matt! Where you going?" Nash said.

"Uh, you seriously think I'm gonna make out with Lilly in front of you guys?" Matthew said chuckling.

"Whatever..." Nash said.

Matthew and Lilly walked away. Matthew had his plaid red and blue backpack with him. I wonder what's in there?

Matthew's p.o.v.

I'm not actually gonna kiss Lilly, I just can't.

"Hey Matt! Why are you starring at me? Can we just get this over with?" I hear Lilly say.

"Oh, um... We don't have to do this ya know." I said.

"No, a dares a dare!" She said quoting my truth or dare quote.

We started leaning in, our lips met. Hers were icy and chapped. Ew. It was cold out but I mean seriously? Chapstick isn't that big, keep it in your pocket!

Oh and a mint would be nice too. Her breath tasted like hotdogs.

We were still kissing. Nothing big, I didn't feel anything.

I slid my tongue on her bottom lip asking for entrance.

She let me in, nothing. That was a big mistake.

I pulled away and we just awkwardly stood there.

I finally started walking back to the campfire.

"Sooo... What's up?" Carter says. He and Anna finally came back.

"Nothing, I had to kiss Lilly, that's it." I said.

Sarah's p.o.v.

Once as Lilly came back she sat by Toby! She was shivering. I told her to bring a heavier jacket but no.

Toby gave her his sweatshirt and they left to go to the corn maze.

"Ok, so it seems like the game is ending." Anna said.

"Yea, should we go walk around?" I say.

"Sure. Uh Sarah, you want to go get a Carmel apple with me?" Arron asks.

"Sure." I say and walk with him.

-after getting Carmel apples-

"Ok, well, see ya guys in school Monday." Toby says mainly to Lilly.

We say our goodbyes and we go home.

On the way home Lilly and I are talking about how are night went.

Anna went home with Carter. I really hope she doesn't get too attached to him.

"And then, when Toby gave me his sweatshirt... It was so comfortable and it smelt like him and it's like I can still feel and smell it." Lilly said going on and on about Toby.

"Uh, lil, you do know that your still wearing his sweatshirt right?" I say beginning to laugh.

"Uhh... Yea I may have known that. Ok. I didn't, you don't think he'll mind do you?" Lilly asks me.

"No, he should've known that you wouldn't give it back. I mean you still have my sweater from last year." I explain.

"Ok, ok, so I guess I really just like sweaters and sweatshirts. You can't blame me for that. There so warm!" She defends herself.

"Yea, ok." I say.

Once as Lilly pulls up to my house she parks her car and comes in.

Sleep over!

When we get inside I notice that it's really quiet and that's really unusual.

My mom comes out from the kitchen and waves.

"Hey, mom, whys it so quiet?" I ask curiously.

"Oh, about that. Everyone's in there rooms..." She starts

"And dad..." She stops for a second.

"He..." My mom continues.

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