Chapter 9

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Sarah's p.o.v.

Well this weekend was super boring. I didn't hang out with Anna or Lilly because they said they were busy.

I have no idea what they were up to though.

I assumed that Anna was somewhere with Carter, but I have no idea what Lilly would be doing.

I decided to text them on the group chat.

S- Sarah A- Anna L- Lilly

S- hey guys what's up?

A- not much just with Carter. G2g.

L- just homework. Ttyl.

Ok then? Ugh I'm so bored.

I went down stairs to get something from the kitchen.

"Mom! Isn't there anything to eat?" I asked my mom who was sitting in the living room.

"Yea, there's some fruit in the fridge!" She replied.

"Ugh!" I groaned while picking up an apple.

I swear, all we have in this house is fricken fruit!

"I heard that!" My mom said.

Crap I said that out loud. Eh, whatever, it's not like she knows that we don't have any other food in this house other than fruit.

"Hey! I'm going on a run. I'll be back later." I told my mom while grabbing my tennis shoes.

I always go on runs when I'm bored. For some reason it eases my mind.

"Ok honey, but be back by dinner time." She said.

I go outside the house and the cold November air hits me in the face.

Though it felt kinda good, refreshing almost.

I usually just jog around the neighborhood but I felt like going on a little bit further.

I jogged to the neighborhood next to mine, which by the way is a whole lot richer than mine, and I saw Lilly's car.

I guess she is studying at a friends house? Yea right, she never even studies on a Sunday.

I push that to the back of my mind and continue on with my run/jog.

I go back into my neighborhood.

There is this car that is slowing down. Naturally I start running faster. The car stops.

"Hey! You do know it's gonna rain right?" I hear the voice say.


"Yea, I'm almost home though." And almost right when I finished it started pouring.

"Well, I guess I don't have to take a shower." I shrug.

"Ew, that's gross." Matthew says from inside the dry car.

"I was kidding." I say while I start to walk home.

I can drive you home, if you want. I mean we live right next door." He says

"Oh, sure thanks." I say as I walk closer to the car.

Matthew starts to drive away but only went about a foot.

"Alright, I'll walk." I say turning around.

"Sarah! Geez I was kidding get in!" He says but sounds more like a command.

"But... Sit in the back." He drags on the first word.

"Seriously?" I say.

"Yea, I don't want my nice leather seats to get ruined." He informs me.

"Uh, ok but you don't care about the back seats?" I ask.

"Nah, there's a towel back there that I use for Burnie." He says.

"Wow, how nice of you to let me use your dogs towel." I say emphasizing the 'dog' part.

The whole ride home was full of an awkward silence.

Part of the awkwardness was me sitting in the back seat of his jeep.

"Thanks." I say getting out of the car.

"No problem. Hey Sarah?" He asks the last part.

"What?" I say kinda mad that he made me sit in the fucking back seat.

"Never mind, you wouldn't be interested anyways." He says.

"No no no! Tell me!" I demand.

"Nah, I'll just go." He says.

"Nope. You brought up the question. Now finish it!" I said to him.

"Oh I was just gonna say that if you wanted to you could lend me your math homework from Friday?" He says.

"What? No, you never do your homework and I'm not gonna reward you with my homework." I said walking away.

"Ok, whatever. But don't worry, I really didn't have to ask, because I already copied it. Hear you can have it back." He says handing me my now drenched math homework.

"How did you get my homework?" I ask.

"Don't worry about it." He says driving away.

Ugh, my weekend just keeps getting better and better. I though sarcastically.

"I guess I better redo my math homework." I said to myself.

I walk inside and my whole family is eating dinner.

Our family always eats dinner together.

"Sorry, I took the long rout home. I didn't have any way of telling what time it was." I apologize.

"Go upstairs and change into something dry and then come down." My dad directs me.

I do as I am told and change out of my wet clothes.

I don't bother shutting my blinds because no one ever can see me.

I pass by my window in only a sports bra and sweat pants and see Matthew at his desk in his room.

Sucks to have his window directly across from mine.

I quickly notice that he is staring at me and I drop to the floor and army crawl over to my closet.

I pick out a plain white T-shirt and walk back.

Matthew is laughing so hard right now and it bothering me.

This is definitely the last time I walk past my window without being fully changed.

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