Chapter 10

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Sarah's p.o.v.

So as of right now I am going down stairs to eat dinner with my family.

I can't get Matthew's obnoxious laugh out of my head. I can't believe that I could hear him laughing from my room.

Anyways, on my way down the stairs I trip on my sweat pants that are too long for my legs.

I fall down the, thankfully, carpeted stairs.

I sit down with my family and everyone is staring at me like I just ate the whole turkey on thanksgiving.

"What? Is there something on my face?" I quickly ask.

"No, your hairs all wet and your makeup a running." Alex says picking at his lasagna.

"Oh, yea that's because I was jogging outside and it started raining, no, more like poring." I say as I dish up some food for myself.

"So... What'd I miss?" I ask my family.

"We were just talking about what we're going to do for thanksgiving." My mother says excitedly.

"Oh," I groan.

I don't know what it is, but ever since a few years ago I've never really liked thanksgiving.

"Hahaha remember a few years ago when Sarah..." Rachel starts.

I shoot my nine year old sister a glare and she stops.

"And she took the mashed potato challenge obstacle course and she had to climb up grandpa's barn roof and she fell off and our whole family, cousins, 2nd cousins, aunts, uncles, everyone, saw her and couldn't stop laughing?" Justin finished for Rachel.

"Hahaha, yea, Sarah you should've seen your face!" Catherine said laughing and spitting out her food.

"Ok! I get it!" I practically shout.

"Sarah! No yelling at the dinner table!" My dad instructs me.

"Anyways, so for thanksgiving we're staying here." My mom said.

"Aww, why?" Alex asks.

"Because, we don't have enough money to..." My mom starts.

"Will you excuse me?" My dad gets up from the table.

"Mom! What have we told you about talking about money?" Josh says for the first time tonight.

"Well, I'm sorry kids, but I didn't think that I had to get permission from my
Own children to talk to my husband." My mom says.

"Well, I think I'm gonna go upstairs and finish some homework." I say getting up and putting my dishes in the sink.

"I thought you were done?" My mom asks me.

"Well, almost..." I start.

"Why, Sarah, why can't you be more like us?" Catherine asks.

"What do you mean?" I question her.

"Well, you always wait until the last minute and we always do it right away." Catherine finishes.

"Well, maybe that's because I don't want to be like the rest if my dumb family!" I say running upstairs.

I can hear everyone at the dinner table gasp and mumble stuff to each other and I really don't care.

When I get upstairs I get out my math book and redo my homework.

I go into my bathroom which is connected to my room and I see that Matthew is doing his homework too. Or whatever it is that he does.

He opens his window cause he sees me. I'm assuming.

"Sarah!" I hear my name being called.

I open my window.

"What? And before you ask, no, you can't copy anymore of my homework!" I say crossing my arms.

"That's not what I was gonna ask."

"Oh, what?" I ask.

"Well I was gonna tell you, but your being rude to me!" He says shutting his window and sitting in his chair by his desk.

That chair used to be so much fun. We would sit in that chair all day it seemed like, and spin each other. Of course this was before it was in his room and we didn't have cellphones or couldn't even cross the street without someone watching us.

I shook that thought out of my mind and realized that I was still staring at him through my window.

I look at him in his chair and see that he has this black pillow or something in his lap.

I grab something to throw at his window to make him reopen it to ask what He was gonna ask me.

I find a pencil and throw that.

He opens his window with a confused look on his face.

"What was that for?" He asks me.

"What were you gonna say?" I ask him.

"Well first off, I'm keeping this pencil, and second, I'm not telling you!" He says.

But right after he says that there is this black cat that jumps up onto his window sill.

"Emily!" Matthew says grabbing the cat whose name appears to be Emily.

"You got a cat?" I start.

"Yep." He says.

"And you named her Emily?" I give him a questioning look.

"Well, that's the name she had at the pet store." He says picking Emily up.

"Oh my gosh! She's adorable!" I say.

"Want to come see her?" He hesitates asking that.

"Sure!" I say.

"Ok, but you can't come over," he says.

"What are you going to do? Throw her over to me?" I say sarcastically.

"Hey, good idea." He says.

"NO! I was kidding do not do that!" I demand.

"Hahahaha you honestly think that I'd throw a living creature out of my window?" He asks.

"Well, you once threw you Pet bird out the window." I say to him.

"I was young!" He defends.

"Yea, and stupid!" I add.

"Whatever. I have to go eat!" He says closing his window and I do the same.

Well this has been a really weird day...


So I'm updating today because were having family in town for thanksgiving and I'm not sure if I will get around to posting. So enjoy! 💋

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