Chapter 45

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Sarah's P.O.V.

"Ok... Matt you stay out here. Wait no, you come in. Wait... No..." I said confused.

"I'll come in with you because they don't know I was with you these last few days." Matt chuckled.

"Ok. You're right. Why am I so worried? They think I was with Anna and Lilly." I said confidence clear in my voice. 

We walked through the front doors and into the kitchen where my parents were sitting.

"Hey mom, he dad." I said like I was just gone for a few hours.

"Hi sweetie, how were the girls?" She asked not looking up from chopping up vegetables.

"It was good. I feel like I haven't seen them in forever!" I said truthfully.

"Hi sweet pea." I heard my dad say from behind his news paper.

"Hey dad. Matt's here too." I said.

"Oh hi Hun, do you wanna stay for dinner? I'm making chili?" My mom offered.

"Oh sure I'd love to." Matt politely said.

"Ummmm... There's one more thing." I said looking down at smoky.

"I found this stay kitten and he's so sweet and I would take good care oh him." I said.

This time both my parents were looking at me.

"Why didn't you call and ask us instead of just brining him into our house?" My mom said raising her voice.

"Because... Uh I..." I got cut off.

"I'm sorry, Mr. And Mrs. Jones. I found the kitten and gave it to Sarah. I had no idea that it was going to be a big deal." Matt butted in.

I gave him a smile and returned to my conversation.

"And I love him. I've named him smokey." I said happily.

"Well I suppose if you're the one who will take care of him, and do all the work necessary, then you can keep him." My mom said.

"Awesome!!! Thanks guys love ya." I said and dragged Matt into my room.

"Well that went surprisingly well." Matt said.

"Yeah thankfully." I plopped down on my bed.

Matt moved over towards me and started kissing me.

"What was that for?" I laughed.

"I really wanted kiss you." Matt smirked.

"Ok. Well then keep going." I said and brought him back down to my lips.

We kept kissing and it turned into a make out session. Matt grabbed my boob and my butt and I pulled at his hair.

He began sucking on my neck and feeling up and down my waist.

Matt lifted up my shirt slightly and rested one hand on the hem of my shorts.

I knew what he wanted but I wasn't ready.

I slightly pulled away from him letting him know. He moved his hand to my boob again. Which was much better then before.

Soon after that he slid one hand down my pants and the other on my waist. He was on top of me.

Matt moved off of me and moved me so that we were cuddling on my bed.

"Sarah, I love you so much. You have no idea what I'd do for you." Matt said in a raspy tone.

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