Chater 40

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Sarah's P.O.V.

I hit the ground hard and heard a flashing noise and saw a bright light.

I felt someone shaking me. And saying something that I couldn't quite understand what they were saying.  But I could tell that it was Matt.

I shook and my eyes shot open...

I saw Matt? I was in his arms? On the roof? In my party dress? With his phone camera on flash in my face!!!!

I realized that IT WAS ALL A DREAM!!!!

"Matt!!!!" I cried into his shoulder.

"What's wrong?" He asked worriedly.

"I had a dream... Ttthat..." I cried and told him the whole thing.

He held me tighter and said "I would never hate you!"

I smiled and nuzzled my head into his chest.

"I should probably get home though." I sighed.

"Ok, I'll take you home." He stood up.

"Well you are my ride so..." I trailed off.

We left the party and got into the car. 

On the way home we didn't talk.  We just listened to music.

"We're here." Matt stopped the car in my driveway.

"You can come in if you want." I offered.

"Ok." He quickly put the car in park and unbuckled.

"Mom? Dad? I'm home!" I yelled through the house.

"Sarah! Shut up! Do not wake mom and dad up!" Josh said from the top of the stairs.

"Why not?" I asked Josh.

"Because they are asleep and you know what they're like when they wake up." He said.

"That's true... They're horrible morning people." I told Matt.

"Ok well... Night Josh." I said as me and Matt awkwardly walked past him.

"Night guys... But remember, my bedroom is close enough to hear what's gonna happen." He winked at me.

"Ugh... Josh!" I said.

We entered my room and just talked.  That talk turned into a kiss.  And that kiss turned into a make out session.

Matt's hand went up my thigh and he grabbed my upper thigh.

I had my hands all through his hair and left scratch marks on his neck.

"So is that hickey I gave you still here?"  Matt pulled away and looked at my neck.

"Yeah, but I put a lot of makeup on it.  It's not as bad as I was though." I said.

"Well I'm about to make it even worse so I hope you have enough makeup." Matt smirked and attacked my neck.

We kissed for a while longer until I heard a knock on my door and I quickly got Matt off of me and told him to hide in my closet.

"Hey Sarah.  I bought new deodorant." Alex said as soon as I opened the door.

"Cool. Night!" I tried shutting the door but he put his foot in the door way. 

"Ugh. What do you want Alex?" I asked annoyed.

"Nothing.  Bye." He left.

"What the fuck was that?" Matt asked.

"My dumb, well actually pretty smart, little brother Alex." I said plopping down on my bed.

"Are you tired?" Matt asked.

"Extremely." I sighed.

"Can I spend the night?" He smiled.

"Yeah, let me get you something to sleep in." I said walking into Josh's room.

"What are you doing?" Josh asked me.

"Uhhhh... Ok fine. Can Matt borrow some clothes to sleep in?" I begged.

"Fine. But let me give them to him." He said and grabbed a random shirt and sweat pants.

"Hey Matt, here's some clothes.  Just don't get them dirty." He winked at Matt.

Creep. I thought.  I mean what brother winks at his sisters boyfriend?

"Ok bye Josh!" I pushed him out of my room.

"That was so weird.  Sorry." I apologize.

"Nah, it wasn't that bad."  Matt laughed

"Ok well I'm gonna get ready for bed... You can change in here and I'll go in the bathroom." I said.

"Just change here.  I'll turn around."  Matt said.

"No.  I... Fine."  I gave in cause I didn't feel like going to the bathroom anyways.

Matt turned around and I pulled my dress over my head.  It got stuck around my neck and I struggled to get it off.

"You ok there?"  Matt asked still turned around.

"Uhh... Hmm... Will you help me please?" I asked.

"Sure." Matt turned around.

"Wait!!!! Turn back around!" I ordered once I thought about at least trying to put on my pajamas so Matt wouldn't see me in my underwear.

"Too late, I'm here to help."  Matt said and lifted my dress over my head like it was the easiest thing ever.

"Thanks." I said trying to cover up my underwear.

"Hey babe.  No need to cover up that sexy body."  Matt whispered under my ear.

"Maaat."  I warned.

"C'mon... Please?" He begged.

"Please what?" I asked confused.

"Fuck me!"  He said seriously.

"MATT!"  I stepped back surprised at how serious he looked.

"What's wrong?  Don't you love me?"  He pouted.

"Matt you know I do."  I said slightly smiling.

"Than say it."  He pushed.

"Matt.  I love you..."  I started.

"Awe I love you too and..." I cut him off just like he did to me.

"But I don't want to have sex with you." I said.

Matt took a deep breath and nodded.

"I understand... But someday your gonna have to live a little."  He said going over to my bed.

"Thanks Matt... And wouldn't it be awkward having sex while all of my family is in the house and so close by?" I said also getting into bed.

"Yeah I guess.  We'll just have to do it another time when we're alone."  Matt hugged me tightly.

"Night Matt." I said giving him a kiss.

"Awe babe you can do better than that."  Matt leaned in and passionately kissed me.

"Matt I'm tired."  I whined.

"Princess,  you have to live a little." He said.

"Ugh Matthew! I despise when you call me that! And say that to me." I said and gave him a puppy dog face.

"And you know I despise when you call me Matthew."  Matt said and poked my nose.

"Ok night... Matthew."  I finished quickly and turned on my said to avoid Matt.

"Oh now you've done it!  I'll get you for that sometime."  He wrapped his arms around my waist and leaned his head in my back.

A.N.  Sorry it's been a while.  I was trying to think of a way for this to all work out.  But don't worry.  There will be many interesting chapters that are right around the corner.

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