Chapter 17

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Sarah's P.O.V.

"Hey, Noah!"  i called out to Noah who was close by my locker.

"uh, hey..." he said rubbing the  back of his neck.

"SoOo?  you wanna explain the kiss that  night?" i asked raising my eyebrows.

"huh, not really... but, i'm really sorry.  I don't know what got into me. well i guess i did, and..." he rambled on and on.

"Noah, it's fine, this time.  But i think that we should cut that part out of our assingment." i said.

"maybe we could, well, alright." he said sadly.

"you alright?" i asked becuase he was acting strange.

"Yea, i, i'm just going through some hard times right now, that's all." he said still sad.

"Noah!  we're best friends, you can tell me anything you know that right?" i said hugging him.

"yea, i know." he said returning the hug.

"And you're not the only one going through rough times, my dad lost his job and is constanly fighting with my mom about it, they don't think that we can hear them, but all the kids can." i said.

"Sarah, i think my problem is a bit harder to handle than your parents fighting." he said walking away.

"What are you talking about?" i asked catching up with him.

"well, i found out a while ago, well you know that my dad doesn't have a job either right?" he asked.

"yea, you told me that." i said consentrating on his words.

"well, he got a job and" he started.

"WHAT??? that's amazing!  Tell him that i'm really happy for him!" i said with a wide smile.

"you didn't let me finish, anyways, i found out that he got a job, but its in Denver." he said with his voice cracking slightly indicating that he was about to cry.

I could have broken down into a million pieces right then and there, but i wanted to stay strong for Noah, i know how hard this must be for him.

"Noah, i... i'm gonna miss you so much, when do you move?" i asked wiping away a tear.

"we leave on June first, so i'm not even gonna get to see you this summer." he said with tears brimming his eyes.

"well, maybe you guys could come back around the fourth of July?" i said trying to sound happy.

"I don't know, i mean i would love to, but i would just be crushed to leave again." he said.

The bell rang and we didn't talk about that subject again.


"SARAH!!!!" i heard Anna and Lilly yell from outside my bedroom door.

"GET UP!  ITS ALREADY 10:15!"  I heard Lilly yell.

"I'm up." i said tiredly.

"don't you know that it's Saturday?" Anna asked opening my bedroom door.

"yes I do, and i was planning on sleeping until 12." i said getting back in bed.

"And miss your date with Cam?  I think not."  Anna said pulling the blankets off my bed.

"WHAT? oh no!  I NEED TO GET READY!  I HAVE LIKE 2 HOURS, THIS IS NOT ENOGH TIME!" i said jumping out of bed.

"relax, it's only 9:30" Lilly pointed out.

"good, ok, i'm gonna take a shower." i said to my friends.

"Great, we'll pick you out an outfit." Lilly said.

"where are yiu guys going?" Anna asked.

"I'm not sure, but maybe pick out a few outfits, and i'll text cam and ask how cassual or fancy to dress." i told them shutting my bathroom door.

30 minutes later and i got out of the shower.  I saw that Cam texted me saying to dress cassual.

I dried off and put my pajamas back on and wrapped my hair in a towel.

"oh good your out, ok, so we picked out three outfits, one for cassual, one for fancy, and one for movie date at his hous; swaetpants and T-shirt." lilly said looking at the clothes layed out on my bed.

"Thanks so much you guys, but Cam said cassual." i said.

"ok, well go get dressed and we'll do your hair and makeup." anna said.

After an hour i was ready with a lot of time left over.

finally it was 12.

I heard the doorbell and ran down the stairs so fast that i'm suprised i didn't fall.

I opened the door to reveal Cameron.

"Hey, you look gorgous." Cam said smiling.

"Aww, thanks, you don't look so bad yourself." i smiled back.

"ok, so are you ready to go?" he asked holding the front door open.

"Yea." i said grabbing my purse.

In the car we talked a lot about what kind of music we liked and didn't like.

Turns out that we both like pop and alternative.

"so, how's your drama assignment with Noah going?'' Cam asked.

"pretty good, we had to change some parts." i told him.

"liket he kissing part?" he asked cassualy.

"yea, apparently, he didn't really want that ending, he just wanted to kiss me before... before he moves." i finshed sadly.

"he's moving? when?" he asked a bit sad.

"June first." i siad trying not to cry.

"hey, well, lets not think about sad things today, because we are going to have the funnest day ever."

"are we close to our destination?" i asked.

"yup almost there." he said smilng. 

I swear he never stops smiling.

"can you pleassssse tell me where we're going?'' I begged.

"No, its a suprise." he said laughing a bit.

"what's with guys and suprises?" i asked more to myslef.

"i'm not sure, maybe because this way if the girl doesn't like the place that the guy picked out then the guy wouldn't have to hear about it the whole time." Cam said laughing occasionally.

"maybe..." i said spacing off once as i saw the place.

"so, you like Go Karting?" Cam asked once we arived.

"Like? I love it!  Let's go now!" i said pulling Cam by the hand once we parked and got out of the car.



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