Chapter 12

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Sarah's p.o.v.

So after school a few weeks ago Lilly, Anna and I planned my birthday, which is January 7.

Anna and Lilly wanted me to have a party on New Years, but I really don't want to invite boys to my party.

I know I know. Stupid that a girl doesn't want boys at her party right?

Well. Wrong. I have had boy girl parties, but it always leads up to make out sessions.

I wanted this time to be different.
I want to only invite my close friends. Not that I have many.

It takes us forever to plan things so Lilly and Anna have come over many times to help plan my party.

We finally got everything taken care of.

I though... wait. I knew I was forgetting something! Anna and Lilly just left! Ugh.

I'll just call them.

Conversation s- Sarah a- Anna l- Lilly

S- "hey guys, we forgot the date that my party is gonna be on!"

A- "oh yea, well, we can't do it on New Year's Eve..."

L- "no! You Sooo should Sarah! New Year's Eve would be such a fun party, we could invite so many people and then I could get a kiss from Toby at 12 and..."

S- "Lilly! I don't want a girl boy party. I wouldn't have anyone to kiss at 12!"

A- "Sarah. I'm sure there would be someone willing to kiss you."

S- "wow, way to make me seem desperate."

L- "so no New Year's Eve party?"

S- "I guess I'll think about it."

A- "well you better think fast because New Year's Eve is closer then you think."

After that we said bye and hung up.

Ugh. I have no idea on what to do.

I just plopped down on my bean bag chair and cuddled up with my fleece blanket that I got for Christmas.

I opened my laptop and put in divergent. One of my favorite movies.

After the movie was over it was 5:45 so I went downstairs to see if dinner was almost done.

Of course it wasn't.

"Hey mom, what's for dinner?" I asked my mom.

"Oh, dinner, what time is it?" My mom asked sitting up worried.

"It's like 5:45." I replied.

"Oh my. I better get started." She got up and rushed to look at what we had.

"Can we just order pizza?" I asked.

"Well, I don't think so." She said

"Please???" I begged.

"Fine, but you have to go pick it up." She demanded.

"Why me? Can't we just get it delivered?" I asked.

"No, because then we have to tip the deliverer." She stated.

"Well technically you don't have to." I told her.

"Your getting it. End of dissection." She said seeming proud of herself.

"Aren't you forgetting that I don't have my license?" I crossed my arms.

"Well then, josh will drive with you." She said grabbing her magazine off of the table.

After arguing more about this I ended up going with josh.

We got the pizza brought it home and ate it.

I went upstairs and noticed that Matthew was in his room.

I'm assuming he was because his light was on.

I opened my window to see if I could hear him.

I could. So I listened

"Oh hi." Matthew said into the phone.

"Wait... Say that again?" He said.

"What? No! Why wouldn't you tell me earlier? He yelled again and hung up.

"Why? Why me?" He said to himself almost in tears.

I know that I shouldn't do this but I started talking.

"Matthew?" I said softly.

" what the fuck? We're you listening to my conversation?" Matthew asked me. but he didn't look up.

"No, I mean, not all of it. I heard someone yell, so I opened my window." I explained.

"Ok?" He said still looking down.

"Well? What's wrong?" I asked him.

"Why would I tell you?" He asked still not looking up.

"Because you might feel better about it if you tell someone." I said softly.

"But you wouldn't care." He said starting to look up.

"I might, I don't know though." I said.

"Ok, but if I tell you, you have to promise me that you won't tell anyone!" He said wiping his tears away.

"Ok, but is it that sad?" I asked.

"What do you mean?" He said confused.

"You were wiping away your tears!" I said looking down a bit and breaking eye contact with him.

"Uh, anyways. You won't tell anyone right?" He asked and I nodded.

"Ok good... I..." He started.


Omg! Guys! I'm Sooo sorry for not updating in like forever!!! But I will update more often now that the holidays are over!

I hope that everyone had a good Christmas!

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