2. Adeera met Aditya

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Adeera's POV :

I entered the dinner area. Maa asked me to come sit grabbing everyone's attention.

"So King- Aditya, this our daughter, Chandra Adeera." Father introduced me to them.

I lifted my eyes to greet them and found him looking at me.

"Aapse milkar acha laga rajkumari Adeera,
Hum Vikram Aditya hai."

(Nice to meet you princess Adeera, I'm Vikram Aditya.)
His voice held me captive for a movement.
He sounded tough and manly, something that I might've liked... I joined my hands to greet him back,
"Aapse milkar acha laga, Maharaj Vikram Aditya."
"Sirf Aditya kahiye.."

"Nice to meet you, King Vikram Aditya"
I greeted him.
"Call me Aditya.."
He told me with a light smile on his face which showed his dimple oh his left cheek.

Then I sat at my seat and the dinner begun.
My father and brother were making small talks with him while eating. I was eating quitely then while drinking water I accidentally looked at him from behind the glass to my mouth and he was already looking at me.

It surprised me and I choked on water. I suddenly started coughing struggling with my breathes. Everyone got worried but thankfully I managed.

"Are you okay Adeera?"
My mother asked me patting my back.

"Yes I'm fine."
I assured her.

"What happened you suddenly started coughing?"
My brother asked me out of concern and everyone started looking at my direction waiting for my answer.

"Nothing I just choked on water."
I told them trying to steal eyes.

But I caught a glimpse at him and saw a little smirk dancing in his lips like he knew why I choked on water.

So the first time we met and he was already teasing me. Okay. I'll take my revenge King Vikram Aditya.

We ate our dinner and then everyone left to their chambers.
While leaving my veil got stuck into one of the chairs.

Everyone has already left while I was struggling to release my veil.
"Isse bhi abhi atakna tha.."
(This also had to get stuck right now)

"Hum madat kr de..?"
(Can I help?)

I heard a voice from behind and found him standing there a few steps away.

"Ji nhi dhanyawaad hum krlenge."
(No thank you I'll manage)
I answered him back. I was still angry at him for I got embarassed because of him earlier.

I was still struggling to get my veil unstuck.
"Rukiye hum kr dete hai madat."
(Wait I will help you.)
He came closer unannounced and I froze at my place. I suddenly felt shy with the short distance and being alone. I dropped my eyes down while he helped me.

He said and I looked up just to find him looking at me again.

I froze again but he also didn't move.
Our eyes locked. He's quite tall. Oh and he has
Amber eyes. Like sweetness of honey with flames of fire in his eyes.

I felt shy and ran away to my chambers.
I ran till I reached inside my chambers near my mirror.

"Why are you taking heavy breathes? Did you run to your chambers?"
Mani caught my attention while I was busy catching my breathes.

I reacted.

"I said why were you running now?"
Mani asked me again.

"Umm Nothing."
I answered her. Because if I told her about what happened she'd definitely tease me.

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