15. Welcoming his touch

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Aditya's POV :

"Oh I missed you!" She confessed in her sleep when I pulled her closer to me. I didn't really expect her to accept that she missed me even if she did. I knew how stubborn she is.

I kissed her forehead whispering slightly infront of her sleeping face,"I missed you more...I can't even explain."

Since the movement I stepped in Suryavansh, my eyes were looking forward to their favourite person. My wife. My queen. But to my luck and responsibilities I got caught in some work the movement I got here.

I was still talking with Viraj and some other ministers when I heard the sound of her anklets. The sound came closer and fast like she was running. Then halted nearly to the door of the room. I could feel her presence. It had to be her.  I didn't turn to see her because if I did I would not have been able to stop myself and hug her right there and tell her how much I missed her.

I was standing facing my back to her, Viraj's eyes caught her standing there looking at me, waiting,

"Aditya your wife's staring at you."

He said teasing me in a low voice so only I could hear him. He knew well how I was waiting for them to leave.

I gave him a look raising my eyebrows telling him not to message with me and he got my point,

"Alright I think this is enough for today. The king must be tired, we should leave."

He said making them leave and he also left with them winking at me. Finally this friend of mine did something in my favour.

After they left I felt a hand on my back so I turned around hoping it to be her. I worked faster so I could come back sooner than planned originally. But it was Maa. Ofcourse I missed my mother too but it's Adeera we're talking about. No-one can ever take her place let alone take,no-one can even come closer.

The movement I hugged her I felt my heart melting at her touch. When I felt her heart beats hugging her closer to my heart all my tiredness left me fast for that movement. When we went to sleep she thought I slept but I was just resting my eyes and waiting for her to sleep so I could look at her to my heart's content. But then I couldn't stop myself from cuddling her.

I slept looking at her sleeping pretty face. She is my calm in the world of chaos.

In the morning,I woke up to the sound of birds chirping. It was still early morning but after many days i slept peacefully so i woke up feeling fresh. And felt happy the movement I laid my eyes on her sleeping,hugging me with her arm around my torso and face on my chest like a baby.

I pecked her cheeks slowly trying not to disturb her sleep. And a smile appeared on her still asleep face. She seemed to identify my touch even in her sleep.

I didn't realise when the day broke. The sun rays were peeking into the chamber. With some of them falling onto her face too because of the curtains not closed properly. Her expression changed into irritation and she released the hug putting her arm over her face, trying to hide from the sunlight. She is still a baby.

So I quitely got up and fixed the curtains. Her expressions went back to normal again sleeping peacefully. Then suddenly my eyes caught visible skin on her stomach revealing her navel.The dupatta must've slipped in her sleep. Her smooth skin was tempting me. She then turned facing her back to me and her dupatta slipped more now revealing her back and her curves.

I wanted to glide my fingers on her curves. To feel her smooth skin. To mark that back of her. The view started giving me wild thoughts on how I'd like to make her feel, how I'd mark her, taste her, ruin her.  How she'd be begging me... I suddenly realised I got a boner merely thinking about it, just looking at her small curvy waist. While she was sleeping there like a baby. Unaware of my thoughts. Urghh.

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