19. Aditya overheard

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Things were still like that between us. As I thought an invisible wall became clear making it hard for conversation to pass through.

It's been 3 days. I expected her to explain atleast. But she didn't. And I wanted her to tell by herself not when I ask her. If she didn't trust me or didn't think we're close enough to share with me then I wouldn't force her. It's all upto her.

I tried my best to avoid her all this time. Except while meals and sleeping at night. I didn't talk but I let myself look at her a little longer. Even though I was mad at her.

At night she'd unconsciously shift closer to me. I didn't push her away. I couldn't. I just made sure she didn't know that if she woke up. Once she did. Yesterday. At midnight I don't know how she woke up for a movement.

I was awake. She had her arms around my torso as usual with her one leg on mine. My hand was also resting on her waist while my head was above hers. I swiftly and smoothly moved a little away and turned my face the other way before she could open her eyes to look properly. And I also took my hand back for the movement and place it on my forehead. She was sleepy so she went back to sleep after looking around. She saw I was away and her leg was on mine's. She took her leg back as well as her hand. Then she turned to opposite side and slept.

I felt bad but I wa still angry. I waited till she went back to her deep slumber. Then I slowly pulled her closer while back hugging her with my arm around her waist. And slept feeling her warmth and even heartbeats.

In the morning I woke up before her and continued ignoring her. She tried talking to me but I didn't give her much chance unless she was talking about the ring.

It was almost dinner time. So I decided to get back to the chamber. I also had news for her.
She might get really happy with that news.

I went inside and saw her walking out of the bathroom. Water droplets were dripping out of her wet hair. Maybe she just took a bath. She had a cloth in her hand with which she was drying her hairs. She slid her hair on one side of her shoulder revealing her slender neck. The same I kissed a few days back. I still remember her smell and her smooth skin's feel.
She dried her hair from that side first then again flipped her hair to another side. Now drying this side of hair with the cloth. My eyes were enjoying the view.

She repeated doing that twice then suddenly flipped all of her hair infront of her face bending her neck to her front. Her hairs were long and thick. I got afraid she might get a sprain in her neck. I almost called her out to be careful with her moves. She dried her hair on the back of her hair and then in a swift motion she flipped her hair back. Standing straight now. A few droplets of water we're dancing on her face. She dried those with that same cloth and her eyes caught me. Oogling at her.

I cleared my throat and quickly looked away. Then looked back at her composing my expressions and thoughts that were going wild by then.
"Adeera, kuch batana hai." I told her indicating to the couch. She wrapped her hair in that cloth and walked towards the couch. We both sat.

"Kahiye." She said looking into my eyes. No don't look at me like that. I might forget I'm angry and take my anger on you in a way you'd be screaming my name whole night.

"Chandrabhaaga se nyota aay hai. Tumhari pagphera ki rasam ka."
(We got an invitation from Chandrabhaaga. For your pagphera.)

I told her not looking into her eyes but facing the table ignoring her. She was looking cute with her red cheeks while her wet hairs were making her looking hot. I was not going to let it go like that. She must've thought I'm ignoring her for the ring situation. It was a win-win if we think. Both were valid reasons forme to ignore her. Whatever she choose to think.

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