10. I Love her

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After knowing about the whole tradition I broke I went back to my chamber.

Maa as in my mother-in-law and and my father-in-law loved each other so much but even they didn't break the tradition. Now I've got somewhat scared of my mother-in-law.
She definitely would not like it. I've heard she is open minded yet a traditional women.

I was still in my thoughts when he came.
Behind him attendees came with lunch.
(Thank God I'd not need face Maa during lunch.)

"Adeera let's have lunch, can we? Then I need to go for some urgent work."
He spoke and sat down on the couch. I quitely went towards him to sit beside him.

I wanted to ask him why he didn't tell me about the tradition. I was just thinking of asking him but I stumbled on the table the food was kept on. And a painful moan left my mouth.
"Aaauch ! God!!"

"Adeera where is your mind?!"
He quickly got up to hold me.
He kind of shouted at me. I got startled at him shouting. Till now he'd been so soft spoken. They say people change after marriage but isn't it too soon for him to change like that.

"Kya hogya? Dhyaan rakha karo na."
"What happened? Be careful no."
He closed his eyes to calm down and then said in his normal tone.

"Nothing I just.."
I looked up at him to say but I saw worry in his eyes. Like I'd broken my leg or something.
But it was just my foot crashing on the table absentmindedly.

"Are you okay? Or should I call for physician?"

"What? No. I mean I'm absolutely fine."
I told him. It was nothing to worry about.

"Are you sure?"
He asked me again. And I gave him a nod with a look of 'I'm perfectly fine.'

And finally the lines of worry on his face faded back to nothing.

But he was still looking at me. Holding me by both arms, closer to him. Maybe checking for any discomfort in my expressions. But our close proximity reminded me of..last night.
It was our first kiss. This thought made me feel shy and I dropped my eyes. I again looked up to push the thought back at my head before he recognises my expression but then my eyes got stuck on his lips.

The same ones that were kissing mine last night. They were soft yet set a new fire in me.

Fire of wanting to touch them again. But I won't. I can't. We're going slow. Yes. I reminded myself.

"You look more than fine I think."
He said and left my hands and sat straight facing the food. Shifting the table a little away so I wouldn't bump my foot again.

"More than fine?"
I asked him confused by what he meant I looked for than fine. And he was just smirking.

"It's evident. You're fine enough to blush. Fine enough to remember last night. Fine enough to stare at my lips. Fine enough to want to kiss me."

Did he read my mind or what?
He said so nonchalantly adjusting the plates infront of us like talking about the weather.
How shameless. Like it was nothing.

"I was not thinking about anything."
I couldn't let him win. Or more like I couldn't let him know I was kind of wanting to eat my own words of going slow.

He looked at me raising his left eyebrow smirking.

"I was thinking of nothing Aditya stop teasing for nothing."
I told him looking away trying to settle my already settled dupatta on my head.

I tried looking at him from the corner of my eyes and he was smiling. Still looking at me.

I then suddenly remembered I wanted to ask him why he didn't tell me about the tradition. I just called him by name. It reminded me it's a big thing.

Adeeraditya - Love Of the Sun and the MoonWhere stories live. Discover now