6. Aditya's POV-II

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Then yesterday I got caught up in some work and lost track of time for dinner. I was outside then I saw her looking at the moon again enjoying the fresh and cold air.

I walked to her to ask if she had dinner and why had she not slept yet.

"Aap yaha, soyi nhi ab tak?"
"You're here, you haven't slept yet?"

She turned and looked at me for a movement like I've asked something wrong. I waited for her answer.

"Voh ..aap aye nhi toh aapka intezaar kr rhi thi."
"That..you didn't come so I was waiting for you?"

That caught me off guard. I didn't expect her to wait for me. And I was actually happy to know she was waiting for me. Meaning we're on the right track moving towards her full acceptance to our marriage.

"Main kaam mein phas gaya tha par hume nhi pata tha aap hamara intezaar karengi.."
"I got stuck with some work but I didn't know you'd be waiting.."

I told her leaning over the railing trying not to smile much looking at her.
"Acha chaliye saath khaana kha lete hai.."
"Okay let's go have our dinner together.."

I asked her before she got cold in the cold wind.

I took her to my room and we sat to eat.
We were eating quitely when she suddenly kept her morsel back in the plate. I also kept mine too and asked her concerned.

"What happened Adeera?"

"Nothing I'm just having motion sickness."
She was covering her mouth with her palm like she was about to puke.

I quickly ordered an attendee to take the food away. The heavy smell was making her pukish so I asked to bring khichdi for us. It's easy to digest and less smelly.

"Why did you sent your plate as well? You should've had your dinner."
Look at her how caring she was. Sick herself but thinking about my dinner.

"How can I eat when you can't."
I told her honestly. I couldn't eat when she was being bothered with the food's smell.

I gave her a glass of water meanwhile an attendee came and put the plate of khichdi infront of her.
And I told her to eat that.
"Here try this it won't smell and is easy to digest."

She was hesitating to eat because of her sickness but then realised it was easy to eat so kept eating. But then she stopped midway.

"What about you're dinner?"
She asked me. Aww my wife was caring for me.

"Are you done? You want more?"
I asked her looking at the plate she had not ate much.

"Yes I'm done. I can't eat more. But what about you?"
She asked me again.

"I'll eat this too."
I told her and took her plate and started eating from it. Initially I was planning to eat after she left but she seemed to make sure I was eating so I had to show her I won't sleep empty stomach.

"But I ate from it-"
She tried to stop me. This was the reason I was planning to eat later. But be it.

"I don't mind Adeera. You're my wife I eat what you eat."
I told her and finsihed the food. I knew she was blushing again. But this time I was not just teasing her I meant it.

After dinner. She got up to leave and I also got up to follow her to her room. But she stopped near the door. And I got it her motion sickness kicked in as she was moving.
It was not good for her to move anymore or might actually puke everything she ate.
So I suggested a solution.

"Adeera, I think you should sleep here tonight."
She turned around to look at me surprised a my words. She definitely took it the other way. Naughty Princess. Or should I say My naughty Queen.

"Don't look at me like that. You're not feeling well. Walking to your room might get you pukish."
I told her resolving her doubts.

She tried to decline. I knew she wouldn't just agree ofcourse.

"You sleep here I'll go somewhere else." I assured her I'll leave. She finally agreed and went to bed. I was leaving but then she stopped me.
"Wait, don't go."

I turned to listen why she stopped me. But she took her time to talk.

"I mean it would not look if I'm sleeping in your room while you sleep somewhere else. People would say what a bratty princess I am to out the king of Suryavansh of his own room moreover we're husband and wife. So you know.."
She tried to explain everything in one breathe.She was not wrong entirely. It would not look good for both of us more for her. People might question her. And she said we're husband and wife meaning she has started to acknowledge our relationship,if she's okay with I'm more than okay.

But I couldn't control my laugh at her one breathe reasoning. I nodded and then sat on the chair reading my book and letters.

I knew she was staring at me again but I thought let her enjoy her view while I be happy inside having her eyes on me. Then she spoke again.

"You can't be sitting their whole night."
She raised a question. But it couldn't be helped she was sleeping on the bed, there was no other place to sleep.

""Then..what do you suggest, Adeera?"
I asked her not looking up deliberately. I knew she was still looking at me.

"We can share the bed."
I calculated her words before reacting. She said what I heard?
Then I looke dup raising my eyebrows for her to explain. Since hse was the one who wanted things slow.

"Are you sure because I don't mind sitting here. Would you be comfortable?"
I asked her.

"Yes you can sleep here too."
She told me and I saw she was being serious so I agreed.
"Okay you sleep I'll come after finishing this letter."
I told her and she shifted to one side of bed leaving space for me. But We couldn't really fit on the bed without touching.

She was laying there closing her eyes. Not sleeping but pretending to. My little wife was trying so hard to pretend. After a while I got up and went to bed too. I made sure I was not disturbing her or touching her. But as I said I couldn't fit on the bed keeping distance from her. My arm and leg was almost hanging in the air. But what else could I do.
So I turned on my side facing her. Resting my face on my palm I was admiring her. All night.
I didn't even when the day rose. I got up not disturbing her and went on my business.

Later when I got back I saw she already left.
She must've been waiting for me to leave. Since she wasn't even sleeping. My little wife how much cuter can you be.

Then I went to her room to have breakfast.
I had already informed an attendee to only bring fruits easy to digest for us.
"Adeera do you still feel sick?"
I asked her the movement I saw her.
She told me she was feeling better now.
"I feel a little better."
I knew she was lied. But I kept quite.
Looked like my little wife didn't want to worry me.

We then ate those  fruits in silence. But I peeked at her every chance I got. While she was avoiding eye contact. It was evident in her face she didn't sleep. She looked exhausted.

"Adeera, remember to catch some sleep it's visible on your face you haven't slept."
I told her before leaving. I couldn't help but tease her again. And she blushed again . I knew by then. How my words affected her.

At the lunch time I went to her room again.
We had khichdi for lunch. She tried to argue but I didn't let her win. She can be stubborn infront of me all she want but I won't compromise her health at all. And ofcourse I'm eating what she eats.

I also told her about our arrival in Suryavansh in upcoming two days.
"We'll land in Suryavansh in two days. It's your first time there so I thought I should tell you beforehand just incase."
"Oh and yes my mother and sister will be waiting for us at the entrance of the palace to welcome the new bride."
I told her about my mother and sister too. I know I should have told her sooner. But the topic didn't rise before and it also didn't cross my mind. She must be thinking what kind of a husband I am.  I didn't even tell her about the family she was marrying into. Her faced showed it all. The look of 'are you for real' told me. As I said sometimes she's too easy to read. I'm sure she'll adjust well.

I'm still thinking about her excitement in her eyes with a bit of nervousness when I told her about reaching Suryavansh. But she doesn't know I'm way more excited than her to bring her home. Finally. As my wedded wife. As my bride.

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