14. I missed him

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I ran through the hallway to the resting area. While running I felt something cold on my face drying with the wind hitting my face. Those were tears. Those were happy tears. He's finally back. Even earlier.

I ran straight to him but then stopped. He was talking to Viraj and some other people. So kept quite and waited standing afar till they're gone. By the time they left Maa also joined me. She went towards him. And put a hand on his shoulder as he was standing facing his back to us.

He turned around at her touch with eyes lightning with a spark. That seems faded a little the movement he saw his mother. Was he expecting me?

"Aagye Aditya. Kaise ho? Safar theek Raha?"
(Aditya you're back. How are you? How was your journey?)
She asked him welcoming him back. While he touched her feet to take her blessings and said,

"Haa Maa. Main aagaya..."
(Yes Maa. I'm back...)
He said and lifted his gaze towards me and his words halted for a second and I saw that spark lightning up in his eyes again. He then looked back to Maa.

"Aur safar bhi theek tha. Bas thak gaya hoon."
(And journey was okay too. I'm just tired.)
He told her then looked at me again. Holding an eye contact.

"Uhhuhh..Acha thak gye honge jao
Adeera bhi kabse vaha khadi hai tumhare intezaar mein."
(Uhhuhh..okay go you must be tired. Adeera has also been standing waiting for you)
Maa cleared her throat to gain his attention back and said teasing him, pointing at me and then left us alone.

Maa you didn't have to tell him I was waiting....

He then took long strides towards me and held both my sholders pulling me into a hug. Right where I was standing, at the entrance of the resting area where anyone and everyone could see us.

He hugged me and sighed loudly. Like finally releasing a stuck breathe. When he hugged me I also felt emptiness I had been feeling losing away. Feeling him near me, closer to me brought a smile to face.

Then I realised we were out in public area where soldiers were anyone could walk in on us. So I tried pushing him away a little. But he didn't budge a single step. He's really strong I'm nothing compared to him. He's a tall man towering over me with a strong built embracing me hiding me in his arms into his chest. I reach till his chin only. Even though I'm not that short.

I pushed him again but he didn't move so I tried asking him,
"Aditya chodiye koi dekh lega.."
(Aditya leave me someone could see us)
I don't know why my voice sounded breathy. More like a whisper. I wonder if he heard me.

He replied or just reacted? But didn't break the hug. So I called him again.

"Aaditya.. chodiye na..koi dekh lega."
(Aditya..leave no.. someone might see us)
He then finally broke the hug but didn't move his hands from around me. Instead he kept both of his hands over my waist holding me still closer to him. Looking intoy eyes. Just a few inches away. Almost leaning on my face. The closeness was doing something to me. I couldn't name it. I wanted him even closer but also felt so so shy to even look into his eyes. I broke the eye contact blushing hard.

"Are Aap toh phir Sharma gayi."
(Oh you're blushing once again.)
He said holding my chin with his forefinger and lifting my face to look back into his eyes.

I couldn't speak a word. With those eyes staring at me so deep,this close.
"Aaditya aap kya kar rahe hai..koi..koi dekh lega."
(Aditya what are you doing..someone..someone might see us.)
I said to him. Almost forgetting my words looking at him. Being affected with our closeness.

The movement before I could realise what happened he picked me up in bridal style and started walking towards the garden. His personal garden. I couldn't say a word feeling so shy with everyone looking at me and attendees shyly giggling at us. I dug my face in his chest with my arms around his neck. I almost heard a chuckle from him with my actions. He took me to the garden and stood there still holding me. I saw we had reached the garden and looked up to take a look at the garden. It was beautiful, mesmerizing. It was about the time for sunset. Just the perfect time.
He then put me down and I took the liberty to look around and started walking but after taking two-three steps i remembered it his personal garden. I shouldn't maybe-

"Go ahead Adeera, You own me and so this garden..including everything else."
He said cutting my thoughts. So I stepped ahead but wait a minute.
Did he just say I own him?!!!
Oh my Goddd!! I turned to look at him if I heard him wrong or something but there he was. Smiling at me. Just like that confessing that I own him. Well he's my husband. Maybe he meant that. So I looked around the garden ignoring his confession for now.

The garden is really so pretty with different kind of flowers dancing with the breeze. And the colourful sunet shining over the pond. A scenery straight out of dreams. I had looked over the garden from the balcony before but experiencing it this close felt different. Also the fact that he brought me here himself. It his own personal space. No one but him has access to and he let me in.

I was looking at the sunset so I sat near the pond. He also joined me sitting besides me. I looked at him and he was looking at me once again. Whenever I look at him he's always looking at me. Maybe he has great reflexes or maybe...he likes watching me?

He looked tired so he the layed down on the soft grass while I sat. We were enjoying the sunset but then I looked at him and found him sleeping. Ohh. He said he was tired. He should've rested on the bed. He then seemed uncomfortable on the grass a little so he shifted his head on my lap. Still sleeping. It took me by surprise. But I was okay with it. I saw a strand of hair disturbing him over his nose. So slowly and softly slipped it away. He was sleeping like a baby. His face and body was relaxed. He looked so beautiful with all the sunlight Falling on his face.
I couldn't look away from his face. My hands moved on their own and went on his head slightly massaging his scalp. Trying to release some tiredness. His hairs were soft and dark and a little long reaching his ears and almost neck.

Just like that the sun setted and he slept on my lap while I kept massaging his head. Then he slowly started waking up. So I removed my hand from his hairs and looked away. He got up and sat straight palming his face to get fully awake. He looked around and saw it was almost dark. Moon shining in the sky. He then stood up and gave me his hand to get up.
"Chalo andar chalte hai raat ho rahi hai."
I took his hand and went inside to our chamber. While walking he told me,
"I wasn't comfortable on the grass so subconsciously shifted to your lap. Why didn't you wake me-"
"It's okay Aditya. You were tired. I didn't want to wake you up." I told him before he could finish his sentence looking at him. He then smiled at me. A big smile. I never really saw him smiling like that. That was different. By then we reached our chamber and he went to take a bath. I also quickly changed into light clothes and he also came back till then.

He came with his hairs still wet. Making him look so attractive. I had to remind myself to not stare at him. Then Mani brought our dinner. But she didn't leave before winking at me and whispering some teases in my ear.
"Today you're hunger's gonna be fullfilled finally. Congratulations Adeera." She kept the food and then left with the other attendees still giving me looks of teasing.

I knew what she meant. And what kind of hunger she was talking about-oh my god. What was I thinking. I slightly shook my head to clear my thoughts. But I definitely blushed. I could feel my cheeks heating up.
"Adeera what happened?" Oh I forgot he was also watching me. Shit. I hope he didn't hear Mani though.
"Nothing, let's eat. I'm hungry." I said trying to distract him but then realised what I said and remembered Mani's words. And I blushed again. He was looking at me smirking. No. Did hear Mani.

"Of course you're hungry."he said still smirking. Yes he did hear Mani. Mani I'm gonna see you tomorrow. I was still looking at him. His hairs were also adding reasons to stare even more. He then pointed his eyes towards the food kept on the table and pushed the plate of towards me.

"Eat. You're hungry no." He said teasing me with that smirk still playing on his lips. I quickly turned towards the food trying to hide my all red face. We then had our dinner and went to bed.

He was tired so he slept the movement he went to bed and I kept adoring him laying besides me. I remembered how he said I own him. That gave me a realisation that he accepts me whole heartedly and I've started doing so too.A few movements later I was about to sleep too then I felt his hand pulling me towards him and we slept like that. Oh I missed his touch.
"Oh I missed you!" I said in sleep and then slept in his arms.

Adeeraditya - Love Of the Sun and the MoonWhere stories live. Discover now